My batteries arrived the other day. I opened one up to see what condition it was in. The year on the cells in 1984. There is a little coating of rust around the button on some of the positive terminals and one of the negative terminals has a little blue corrosion creeping out under the shrink tubing. All the cells had a little voltage. I started charging the pack and measured the voltage every few minutes for a while. I measured the voltages across the three pairs of cells and they were very close to each other every time I measured. I also monitored the voltage across the current limiting resistor (BTW, the 4.7 ohm 5% resistor measured 5.3 ohms with my pretty good meter) I calculated 340 mA at the beginning. It fell quickly to 200 mA as the cell voltages started to rise. After about 10 hours the current had dropped to 188 mA and the cells were about 1.48V each and a little warm. I never noticed the voltage dropping but I wasn't monitoring them that frequently, it might have peaked between my readings. Also, I re-read my Sanyo manual and the temperature rise is only particularly acute when using the 0.3C fast charge rate - that might apply to the voltage drop as well.
I was beginning to worry because I sent my money order on April 4 and the package didn't arrive until the 29th or 30th. Also there was a local news story about an Ebay scam involving HP monitors! The seller who listed the auction said he did so for a friend and handed me off to him - after three weeks I was beginning to smell a rat! - but then the package arrived.
I wonder how these batteries would run a 9114, maybe after removing one cell (7.2V -> 6V) and changing the current limit resistor and adding the 2 pin Jones connector? The pack fits in the opening of the 9114 with room above - the wire for the Jones connector could loop in there - of course, it doesn't latch in place, but there's always the handyman's secret weapon!