RPN emulators for PDA's

Post: #4

Hi, I have been an avid HP user since 1975. I have several machines (HP21, HP41, HP71, HP11 & HP85) and I carry the HP11 for business. Its small size is perfect. I do not understand why HP does not make a smaller RPN calculator anymore, surely there is a market and my 11C is getting old. I have great difficulty using a non RPN machine for anything other than simple calculations. Does anyone have any experience with RPN programs available for PDA's (Palm Pilot or similar)? Any advise is appreciated. regards, Robert

Post: #5

I use, and like, RPN2.56 for the Palm. WWW.NTHLAB.COM is the link.

Post: #6

I use a Psion series 5 and have a beautiful rpn calculator in use, written by Derek Johnston, decca@enterprise.net, /homepages.enterprise.net/decca

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