What is the easiest way to build a PC-HP48 cable?

Post: #9

I have found numerous pages in the internet telling about the connections, but have not had any luck finding plugs to wire into.

One particular site, I forget which one, suggested that you use a standard mail serial plug for the PC end, and mold your own for the hp48 with two part epoxy. That doesn't sound too bad. I guess you would wire up the pins, and somehow position them correctly, then surround them with the two part epoxy. Once it has set completely, you could just file/sand it down to fit properly. Has anyone done this?

For those who have built a cable, how did you do it?

I have seen the one included with the HP connectivity kit available through Amazon, but I don't want to pay $45 for a CD full of software I probably won't use most of.


Post: #10

It seems to me that I read somewhere or other that the connectors used
on CD drives have the same pin spacing and fit (or at least could be
easily adapted to fit) the 48 series. But don't count on it, I might be
wrong about that. Maybe do a little more research at
http://www.hpcalc.org/ or on the comp.sys.hp48 newsgroup. Use
google search,
http://groups.google.com/groups?meta=group%3Dcomp.sys.hp48, to
search for information from the newsgroup archives.

Note that you don't need the full connectivity kit. You need a cable
(see Joe Horn's Cable Table at http://holyjoe.net/hp/cable.htm to
see which HP cables or cable/adapter combinations will work); the
software that you need is available for free, at hpcalc.org, HP's
website, and, I suppose, many other websites. The last time that I
checked, http://www.calcpro.com/ seemed to be the cheapest place
to buy a cable.


Post: #11

you are right. the cd connectors do fit and work. i followed some wiring instructions i found and it worked fine. its the white one with a ridge on the top not the flat black one from a CD-ROM to audio card connector.

it cost me nothing, but the downside is that my wire is somewhat less well built.

Post: #12


Post: #13

If you look around, you will find the cable alone for about $17 on the web. You can download the software for free from the HP website or others, including some links directly from the pages where you can buy the cable.

You probably won't save much (or any) money making your own unless you already have some spare cable, an older serial mouse, solder, serial plugs, etc.

If you just enjoy doing this sort of thing, that's a different story

Post: #14

Just in case...

Post: #15

See http://www.hpcalc.org/details.php?id=4741 (text file) or http://www.hpcalc.org/details.php?id=1722 (PDF file).


Post: #16

These two sites have been very good references for me so far with regards to my hp 48G. I could find them and just post the pinouts for you, but I think you will be better off if you find them yourself. You will probably learn all sorts of other things along the way. I would bookmark those two sites if I were you, as I think you will find them a handy reference in the future.




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