Now it's official: HP has issued a Press Release on the 9G and 9S.

Post: #35

Post: #36

I cannot believe I failed to mention that the release talks about additional RPN calculators!

Post: #37


I have gone thru the HP9S & -G spec sheets. Nowhere is RPN mentioned. 9S is algebraic, and although 9G has an 'ENTER' key, it is probably just a line-end <RETURN> key for algebraic statements.

Furthermore, even if with RPN, **I WANT A WIDE-ASSED ENTER KEY, DAMMIT!** (Sorry, folks.)

I DO note the detailed spec sheet says HP9G uses an SPLB30A CPU, which is a 6502 derivative from Sunplus in Taiwan. It does allow serial SRAM to be interfaced so perhaps memory can be expanded. 2.7KRAM, 96K ROM. (Apparently mask ROM not EPROM/flash). This CPU is designed for personal databank applications (like small Sharp Wizard things). See:

The cheaper HP9S uses a 'KI1724A' CPU. No docs around; this is prob from Kinpo in Taiwan, I'm guessing.

Given that two calcs use different CPUs & firmware trees, it'd be interesting to do math accuracy comparisons between the two.

Bill Wiese
San Jose, CA

The HP9G is at:

and the cheaper HP9S is at:

Post: #38

It's nice to think that RPN has a future at HP; but at this point, if HP told me the sky was blue, I'd want it in writing -- notarized -- and even then I wouldn't rely on it.

Post: #39

the spec says 24 digit internal precision. this is the same as the 30S. does anyone know if the 30s has the same cpu? i found the 30s accuracy to be excellent. interestingly square root was less accurate than anything else, roots by taking logs beat it!

although for $50, they should improve the physical package. the 30s is almost unusable the buttons are so bad, but its cheap.

Post: #40

Dozens of years ago most calculator manufacturers purchased "calculator IC's" with preprogrammed algorithm. Think about the Texas Instruments TMS0100 family used in most four bangers or the Mostek MK50075 used with two ROM's in a lot of RPN-calculators. That time accuracy of calculators depended indeed from the choosen CPU and/or ROM.

But this is history !

Today you choose the CPU for a calculator the other way:

How many LCD-segments dots do I need ?

How many RAM for variables and/or program steps ?

How many ROM for operating system and algorithm ?

How big is the chip, is chip-on-board possible ?

Power supply ? 1.5V for solar calculators, 3V for battery operated.

Power consumpion vs. speed: Low and slow for solar, high and fast for battery operated.

That's why the HP9G uses a totally different CPU compared to the HP30S. The HP9G needs much more LCD-drivers and ROM.

Nevertheless, the algorithm / precision COULD be the same because the calculator is nothing else than a cake of software compiled for the choosen CPU. Most of the source would probably be C-code, some algorithm might be optimized assembler code (what I don't expect).

Don't think about all the Sunplus, Samsung... CPU designation. These are just 10% CPU core, remaining space is RAM, ROM and LCD-drivers. C language doesn't know the difference between a 6502, 8051, any-RISC. The CPU core is just an array of registers with some arithmetic... capability.
We don't speak about 56bit registers of a Saturn or 52bit in a TMC0501. We speak about an array of 24 binary coded decimal memory cells put anywhere in the 2kByte RAM of the CPU. For the programmer just a pointer to an array...

Hope this email helps to avoid the confusion between CPU and PRECISION in modern calculators.


Post: #41

Joerg's right... HP's orig calc architecture took place at a time when memory space and transistor count was at a premium. Thus, we had a serial architecture, with instructions optimized for BCD floating-point arithmetic. Keyboard/display scanning was hardware-assisted so as not to burn up ROM code. IIRC, the whole HP35 took 1Kx10bit words of code, which is pretty phenonmenal, and the main CPU took 3000 transistors.

Nowaday, for low-cost products, mask ROM memory is cheap. (RAM does take a bit more area.) So any old 8-bit CPU will work, and even the overhead for using compiled code is tolerable. And speed is not an issue either for a hand calcuator, so selection of which CPU to use is largely by price and I/O/peripheral capabilities, as well as available tools (compiler, debugger, hardware/software emulators).

On orig HP architectures, the hardware design, memory layout, registers, etc. was oriented around 56 bit BCD floating point values. It would be hard to do (or take quite a bit of extra coding), say, 14-digit mantissa BCD math on a Coconut architecture CPU. Saturns were widened to handle more precision & dynamic range.

On a byte-oriented processor, this isn't an issue, which is why you see some HP calcs w/24-digit precision.

(I really wonder about internal algorithms, accuracy, etc. though on these cheap calcs. Just because XxY is good to 24 digits doesn't mean the transcendentals are - or that exp(ln(x) = x doesn't mean that exp(x) and ln(x) are indeed that accurate: they could actually have symmetric defects.

I'll have to run the 30S against Maple results.

Bill Wiese
San Jose, CA

Post: #42

I called an HP Representative a couple of weeks ago, using his phone number listed on the Web (somewhere) that I got by following a link from an HP Museum posting in the forum.

I recall that he said that the new calculator line would be dual mode (RPN/AOS). He was very interested in wheter my interest was primarily business or science/engineering.

He was cautious that this was the "plan" and we would all see if it came to be. I asked him to please post anything that he could release to the HP Museum.

Post: #43


Marketing droids are always 'interested' in everything. S/he may not even know what RPN is! The new HP9G has specs listed under "Entry system logic:" as "Algebraic, or HP Basic". He may be confusing that with RPN+AOS.

Bill Wiese
San Jose, CA

>called an HP Representative a couple of weeks ago, using >his phone number listed on the Web (somewhere) that I got >by following a link from an HP Museum posting in the >forum.
>I recall that he said that the new calculator line would >be dual mode (RPN/AOS). He was very interested in wheter >my interest was primarily business or science/engineering.
>He was cautious that this was the "plan" and we would all >see if it came to be. I asked him to please post anything >that he could release to the HP Museum.

Post: #44

your explanations makes sense. what started to interest me wrt cpus and precision is that now that the cpu itself is less relevant, the ip is essentially a virtual calculator, ie the software. so, you would expect to see pretty much the same answers to calculations where those functions are provided on models. but this is not the case.

you guys might be able to correct me here, because perhaps its not a pure virtual implementation. maybe it depends on certain hardware feature availability. like floating point?

the 30s is interesting because it definitely calculates in binary, which was a surprise. your point about symmetric defects is valid, however i have already checked to find it yields at least 20 correct decimal digits (except for square root!) on all scientific functions.

so now im thinking is this new 24 digit implementation to be standard on new machines eg 9g?

Post: #45

Just took a look at the Detailed Spec Sheet for the 9G. It Lists Program Memory: 400 Bytes. "Up to 10 paragraphs of program."

I'm just wondering - what's a "paragraph of program"??

Post: #46

Maybe a paragraph in program memory is an individual program.

Post: #47

Good news, and what I want to hear from HP. However I don't want to be too negative but read lower down where it says:

"This news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements. Risks, uncertainties and assumptions include the possibility that the market for the sale of certain products and services may not develop as expected; that development and performance of these products and services may not proceed as planned;"

I know this is a legal disclaimer but we will have to wait and see what happens with RPN.

Post: #48

Are these two models new?

I just hope they keep with tradition and keep the quality up!

Right now i am cautiously optomistic.

Post: #49

The business model for all companies is not "keeping quality up," it's "keeping cost down."

Post: #50

Oh Yeah, I forgort for a split second there I lost my head but unfortunatly I woke up and realized its a new hp.

one can always hope!

Post: #51

Earlier posts indicated that these machines are just rebranded machines built by Casio.

Post: #52

If these are built like the modern 30S (they look to be) then I can say they are better than no name drugstore calcs. hard plastic keys with some feel (nothing like a 41C, or even a late production pioneer) but nothing special. about the same quality as the lower end casio pocketables.

The case on the 30S is really really slim, this is nice. The LCD is pretty readable. Gone are slipcovers and lowered profile glass fronted LCDs. it's plastic and molded right with the rest of the body- easy to scratch, but attractive.

not bad- especially in modern terms, but not great.

At this point in history you'd expect to be able to get something built like this and within this price range to host at least 4KB!

Post: #53


[Christof wrote:]
> (snip...) At this point in history you'd expect to
> be able to get something built like this and within
> this price range to host at least 4KB!

The HP9G higher end calc chip from Sunplus has the ability to interface with external *serial* RAM. (This may have similar interface to the common 24CXX I2C serial EEPROMs used for PCI configuration, or the 93CXX Microwire serial EEPROMs or perhaps the Philips serial RAM.)

However, the firmware may not know how to deal with any extra RAM if installed.

Margins are REAL thin on products in this price range: a $48 calc is gonna be sold to the retailer for $23-$28 (depends on volume, co-op advertising, support, etc.) HP is going thru a distributor, so they're prob getting $5-$6 in the middle of the deal. So all HP is gonna see is around $19-$21 for this calc: they have to have nice packaging, 800# support, advertising, etc. Not much left over for silicon!


Post: #54

and taxes... and tariffs...and.... well. :)

granted, it's hard to justify less profit simply to give the user more power when they've been trained to not want or be able to use it.

the notion that one could not produce and sell a $50 (or even $65) functional equivalent of the 42 - given the inexpensive packaging now used.... I dunno, it seems bizarre. your numbers make sense, though.

Post: #55

The PR announcement indeed states:

"This news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions... {SNIP}... that development and performance of these products and services may not proceed as planned;"

This is boilerplate text put in just about all of HP's PR announcments for any device, platform, etc. It's just there to stop lawsuits ("Hey, you promised to come out with an upgrade for the HP3000 and I based my planning on that").

This text was not included to indicate that the HP9 was on shaky ground - the HP9 series status is whatever it is with or without this legalese.

If they've gone this far though, to announce, etc. it WILL come out - there's a contractual relationship with Citizen (? - not Casio, I believe) that'd have to be broken, with repurcussions, to stop this.

Bill Wiese
San Jose, CA

Post: #56

Sorry, I meant the future of RPN being in question, not the HP9S/G.

Post: #57

While searching for the new models (to test, not to buy), I came to talk about them with a long-time reseller and support of HP products. She said that she was seeing no interest in carrying this line of c*ap, sub-HP-standard calculators, since they retail for too low a price to justify quality support and advice at the point of sell.
She'll probably take it in the end due to popular demand (??), but reluctantly.
Everybody is already aware of the fact that this is supermarket, blister-pack, stop-gap products.
The 6/6S, 30S and even 10BII were disposable products and I think we're heading in the wrong direction.
Maybe in 2004 ? Waiting...

Post: #58

It's interesting to note the 2 market segments HP sees. Education (perhaps Low end and Graphic and Business?) and Business (perhaps Business and Scientific, including Graphic.?) Perhaps they will further differentiate models in features. Some user categories span both, such as "professional user" high end educational and business user.

Post: #59

Yeah, for HP a 'biz' calc just means TVM stuff, annuities, etc. They think that the professional & educational markets overlap. Perhaps to some extent they do, but I'd never use a 48 or 49 for a tough problem: I've got a PC w/Matlab, Excel, etc. A 42S or 41C kind of calc is the be-all/end-all for me: lets me fidget with numbers wherever I am.

I do NOT enjoy PalmPilot/WinCE palmtops: I want a REAL keyboard. (Sadly, today's calcs really don't have REAL keyboards.)

I do enjoy the new HP10B-II style/formfactor and keytop style. Wish the KB were better but it's liveable and no worse than 30S, etc. I'd live with a 42S-variant in that package.

I'd REALLY like a Woodstock w/backlit LCD :)

Bill Wiese
San Jose, CA

[Frank Knight wrote:]
interesting to note the 2 market segments HP sees. Education (perhaps Low end and Graphic and Business?) and Business (perhaps Business and Scientific, including Graphic.?) Perhaps they will further differentiate models in features. Some user categories span both, such as "professional user" high end educational and business user.

Post: #60

It's interesting to look at the way the market is perceived. I've seen a lot of leanings towards a "business educational" market- with less expensive calculators programmed to do some financial calculations.

the broader educational market space is filled with- quite honestly- gadget marketing. why someone hasn't put out a fully palmOS compatible machine with a keyboard in the size/shape of a ti89/hp48 is beyond me. (unless it is because most people and teachers don't really pay attention to the cheat sheet/note taking/ programmability factors of the 48s and 89s. I know most students are totally clueless about programming. and I've used my 42s on a "no programmables" test because the prof *knew* that nothing that size was programmable.)

and yeah- this harkens back to the cancleed wundercalc- but palm and wince are different enough that I think there's room for some *major* implementation and usability differences.

But there is no perceived high end business/professional market anymore? No room for an update (or combination of- there IS room in the case for it) to the 17 or 42? no perceived market for a $150 pocket programmable with real utility (and serial IO)?

That is the omission that boggles me. I can't blame TI- they never did grasp the concept of easy, "in the field" programming. And HP went just a bit (no puns) too far (IMO) with RPL.

I don't want another belly flop like the 49G ended up being. I also don't want to be limited to a 9G with no way for me to collect field stats, dig, or nav data and pipe it to a computer as ascii.

ah well, preaching to the choir- or a canonical college in this case.

Post: #61

I suppose it's just a matter of time before some enterprising geek slides a fully-loaded PDA into a TI-30x (or whatever) case, runs a minimal emulator to convince the test monitor of its off-the-shelf behavior, and uses chording or an escape sequence to access the whole freakin' CRC handbook, a credible encyclopedia, and a symbolic math/calculus package . . .

And if (s)he pulls it off, kudos for resourcefulness!

Post: #62

Sounds like Citizen to me !
They may have the same manufacturer.

9G --> Citizen SRP-325P

9S --> Citizen SG-2

Post: #63

I looked at the CITIZEN calcs and yes they seem coming from the same kitchen. Hey folks that's not what we really want. We want HP to make the best calcs of the world and in RPN - nothing else. Most of us are ready to pay for the quality. It just makes me angry if I see HP selling such low end stuff which has no quality, bad keys, bad manuals and no RPN. I'm not sure whether they will gain on the market this way and produce better calcs in the future. Although I'd love to see HP come back to this road. They could definitely make more $$$ if they'd reproduced let's say 11C;42S;32SII. These formfactors and keys are excellent. They could have tried to cut productions costs on these calcs and sell them cheaper and people would sill buy. But maybe I'm wrong and too much of a HP freak of ol' days.

Post: #64

Unfortunately for us old (OK, middle age) used to be manufacturing types, the make or buy decision is often "buy" and off-shore often these days in the US, I started working with International sourcing in the early 80's very early in my career and it's done noting but grown substantially since. Does make one wonder what true value added is in this world economy, and which of ideas vs goods vs. Natural resources create more value for countries over the long haul.

Post: #65

It appears that the 9g is the SRP-400G.

see page 4 of this pdf:

Post: #66

On 31Jan03 HP Support told me on the phone that they have plans to release RPN Scientific calculators "later this year". I asked for some details but none were forthcoming. But I was assured that HP has RPN Scientific calculators in the works and was told to keep an eye on their press releases. I hope this is true.

Post: #67

I've a HP-100LX, and is giving problems to me. I live in Spain. I would like to know if you have some people here to check it.

Otherwise, I would know if HP AFTER THE FUSION with Compaq will sell a PDA WITH RPN calculator.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.



Post: #68

There have been rumors of new RPN calculators coming from HP soon. Here is some confirmation of those rumors.

My email to HP:
How about a low cost RPN scientific calculator? The new 9S looks good, but apparently the ENTER key is actually an EQUALS key, and it's an algebraic operating system calculator. My HP 11 and 32SIIs are now collector's items. If people are paying almost $300 for a blister pack, mass marketed 32SII on eBay, you must know there is a decent market for a small RPN calculator.

The HP response:
We do have calculators in development that are scheduled for sometime this year. Unfortunately, we do not have specifics on what they will be. However, we were told some of them will be RPN. In addition, we did let the engineers know that the 32sii was a very popular calculator.
HP Consumer e-Support

I suspect the new RPN calculators will be targeted to a more affluent market than the HP 9S, currently selling for $11.99 on the HP website and obviously marketed to students in grades 7-12. Other than the algebraic operating system, it does everything I want.

I'd like four RPN calculators - desk, electronics workbench, toolbox, and plane. Would you guys please stop collecting these calculators, so I can actually afford to use them?

BTW - I just bought a new HP ze5185 notebook computer. Very nice. I didn't like its operating system, so I installed Xandros Linux. Also very nice. Too bad I can't change a calculator's OS.

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