how to manage formula in prime


firstly, i have updated my prime and i'm surprised the machine seem's to stop crash. I don't know what are the change but honestly i can say it's better (at least for me).


i'm working in electronic's, every time i need to create schematic's, so to solve classical formula.

Doing it on HP48 is very nice but on prime, i don't know how this can be done because of the several menu (DEFINE-VARS-SOLVEapp).


1- i go to APPS

2- i choose SOLVE

3- inside E1 i write (just for example) U=R*I

4- i activate the case

5- i click on the button Num



i have to do it with a LOT OF FORMULLA, on HP48 it's very easy to do but on prime HOW CAN I GROUP ALL the formulla at the same place the choose the good one an 'solve numerical' it ?


If you want formula just for "memory", you can use the note editor : SHIFT 0

Edited: 5 Dec 2013, 9:33 a.m.


"Simply creating a 50g clone or very similar system will not solve many of the issues which Prime was created to address."

Please ignore my post - i'm a cynic.



Unfortunately the solve aplet is limited to 10 equations.

My advice: Divide your equations in packs of at most 10, grouping them in ways that makes sense to you.

For each group, create a copy of he SOLVE app and enter your equations as E1 to E9 (press APP, go to the solve app (do not start it, just use the keyboard to move to it), then tap Save and enter the name for the copy of the app). This will give you multiple solve applications, each one containing 1 to 10 equations.

Then to use it, start the appropriate solve app, in the symb view select the equation to solve and proceed as normally.



thank you cyrille (hp mad if my memory is right !! the old time of the 48).
Donc ok je vais faire comme ça mais il faut avouer que vous avez réelement compliqué l'IHM par rapport a une 48, c'est décourageant.
Je pense qu'il y a un moment ou 'faire differement' ne permet pas de 'faire mieux', tu me comprendra je pense.

Je suppose qu'il ne faut pas esperer voir arriver un menu VARS a la hp48, avec des directory, le petit arangement maison etait bien plus pratique coté humain : je prend le truc et le met tout ça ici !!!

j'en profite pour te demander une chose qui pour moi est terriblement bloquante :
y a t'il une possibilité de voir venir une ligne de communication sur la prime , meme en HID c'est ok
un truc du genre HID_tx et HID_rx, ceci est a comparer avec les XMIT et SRECV de la 48.
je bosse dans un mabo d'elec et la 48 ma sortis de l'embaras tres souvent coté comm, ce ne serait pas une gagure de laiser un user utiliser la prime a des fins communicantes



I was playing with the solver in the Prime emulator last night and had the exact same question for the exact same reason.

And thank you fabrice48 for asking the question :)

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