Prime: Placing more than 1 item on the RPN stack in a single program?


I am trying to write a program that decomposes a list and places
the elements on the stack in RPN mode. The RETURN command apparently
can only place one item on the stack and then exits the program. Is there a way to put more
than one item on the stack from within a single program?


Currently . . . not to my knowledge.

(That is only one of the reasons why I keep using the 50G for *real* work, and the HP Prime just for fun!)


I was afraid of that. The limited functionality of RPN in the
HP Prime has renewed my fondness for my old HP49G+.


Is there a way to put more
than one item on the stack from within a single program?

Yes and no. On separate stack levels: no. As a list containing multiple items: yes. Some of my programs return lists for exactly that reason: I want more than a single output. It's not what we REALLY want, but at least it works.

Another option is for the program to store results in variables. Big upside: you can use them in further calculations with very few keystrokes (e.g. ALPHA A). Big downside: You don't see them immediately.



As I stated in similar post, it would be nice if at least 'OBJ->' were implemented in RPN entry. As it is now, you can compose a list (->LIST) but you cannot decompose it in RPN mode.



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