HP Prime - Geometry App inconsistence

Post: #5

In toolbox ->App Function->Geometry menu there are the items Point, Line, Polygon, Curve Transform, Measure, Measure Plot and Test.

But in the symbol-view of the geometry App there are only the following items in the New->command menu: Point, Line, Polygon, Curve, Transform, Measure Plot. So this menu lacks Measure and Test.

So every time i want commands from the Measure or test menu i must chance in the Toolbox.

Similary to that in the num-view of the geometry App there are only the following items in the New-> command menu: Measure, Test.

In my opinion thats inconsistent and in all views there should be the same menu with all items.

Post: #6

Or perhaps that might be an indicator that the commands in the symb view and num view are intended to be used for different things, and the UI is geared for 2 different purposes?

SYMB == defintion, creation
NUM == values, calculations


Post: #7

You may also want to create geometric objects using measures from existing object. For example, report a length, an angle... like this
I believe measures should be accessed from the same menu as Points, etc. from SYMB view.

Post: #8

Absolutely. I use for example very often the "slope"-command.

And i think it is not diffucult to align the toolbox ->Geometry menu and the symbol-view -> command menu. Both have the same intention and are logically the same.

PS: parisse, is there a direct contact to you?

Post: #9

Yes, you can find my mail at the end of my webpage http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/english.html

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