hp prime - command syntax


i'm interested in the "slope" command. After pressing the help-key the calculator show the following syntax:

slope(Line| |Pnt| |Cplx,[Pnt| |Cplx])

How can i read the symbols | [ ? What means that? How can i use the command? The example in the Help-menu is not very instructive for me.


The square brackets [] just mean that entry is optional. The Where symbol | is available in the Catlg list in the Toolbox.


The square brackets [] just mean that entry is optional. The Where symbol | is available in the Catlg list in the Toolbox.

"||" in a syntax is not the Where function (nor absolute value); it means "OR". Example:


means there are two options:

(1) row(Matrix, Integer)

(2) row(Matrix, Interval)


Thanks for the correction.


O.k. but now i have the next problem: When i imput "slope(line(y=2*x-3))" the calculator shows an error message. why?


Have you tried it in CAS mode? it works for me.

Tom L


o.k. thank you. it works also for me in cas. But for heaven's sake (or what the hell) do i know if i can use an app function only in home-view or only in cas-view or in both views?

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