HP-41 Clonix&NoV's SW Update. (For the non-Primer's guys out there... :-)

Post: #2

Hi all,

With a pretty long delay over the schedule, a new update is ready for download at "www.clonix41.org"

In order to accomodate the latest works from our resident M-code guru (A.M.) a check-box to join all the pages and banks (up to 12) has been included.

This make them 'visible' at the same time to the HP-41 for Clonix-D and NoV-64 modules in the ClonixConfig utility.

Also the Clonix6P configuration is now updated to run up to 2.1x (about 750KHz)

The manual has also been updated to include such mods and some corrections.

Hope you keep on enjoying your HP-41s :-)

Cheers from Caribbean.


Post: #3

Thank you Diego!

Downloaded. :)

Post: #4

Great news - will take it for a spin during the week-end, Thanks much Diego!

Post: #5

Thanks a lot, Diego!

Post: #6

Hmmm, obviously the new version isn't available yet?
The clonix website still shows "Latest SW Update 130213", that's the old version, isn't it?

Post: #7

Michael, I downloaded it and came out as the correct version - November 7, 2013.

Post: #8

Now I also was able to download the correct version, perhaps it was just my browser which forgot to refresh the link.

Diego, I just saw that it's possible to have 12 ROM pages joined in one block with Clonix-D, but only 8 with NoV64, because HEPAX ( 4 pages ) is mandatory there.

I guess you might think that HEPAX is necessary as kind of an operating system to manage the RAM-pages.

But if I'm satisfied with single 4k pages of memory ( which avoids problems with broken HEPAX chains, by the way), I can do without and use the W&W Rambox OS instead, for example, right?

Any chance for a new button 'no HEPAX' and 4 additional pages?

That would make NoV64 future-proof, since I'm pretty sure that Angel isn't all-done! ;-)

Maybe we'll see a 4-pages 'POWER-NoV' from him soon? ;-)

Post: #9

Hello Diego,

I have downloaded and installed this new version.

Thank you for putting up new functionalities into your fantastic modules.

I see an error dialog when I try to join blocks.

I have sent you an email with the detailed informations.



Remove suggestion to Michael, it does not work as I had expected.

I will do more testing and repost it if I find a way to make it work.

Edited: 9 Nov 2013, 1:12 p.m.

Post: #10

Hi again,

Michael, as Sylvain pointed out you can configure NoV-64 in a Clonix-D like fashion, then gaining access to the 4 pages used by HEPAX code.

An error has been detected (thanks Sylvain), it seems that I've not included all the files in the .ZIP archive... will be fixed in short.

All the best.


Post: #11

I know that I could configure my NoV64 as a Clonix-D, but I thought that I wouldn't have access to the RAM pages anymore? I admit I didn't test that.
Are they still there, at pages 8 to B, and is block-switching ( by changing the control word at page 4 ) of the RAM area still possible?

Post: #12

Hi Michael,

Sorry, I didn't get your point on first instance. Certainly not, Clonix-D does not have RAM access, although the RAM contents is retained.

So, according to your suggestions, the goal is NoV-64 with RAM access but without HEPAX code and 12 ROM pages; capable of joining both Flash ROM blocks. Is that all rigth?

That can be done for sure... again it will take a while (though may be not too long...) let me have a closer look and will be back.

Cheers and enjoy your 41s!


Post: #13

Yes, Diego, that's exactly what I meant!
That would be simply perfect.
Thank you for considering to implement that.

Post: #14

Silly things happens when one pays no full attention.

I forgot the batch file that concatenates both mapping files :-O

It's already included in the .ZIP archive but if you don't want to download again the whole ZIP just for a few byes here you are the (easier) workaround.

create file: "JOINBLKS.BAT"

Copy-paste the following commands:

Save it in your working directory.

Sorry for the inconveniences and have a nice weekend!


Post: #15

Yes! It is fully working now 8-)

Test setup of a Clonix-D with Unified 48K and 40K used

P:B:Filename :Description (P=Page,B=Bank)

4:1:LI-B4.ROM :P#4 Library - Revision J

8:1:SM-9K.ROM :SandMath-IV-#4 Bank-Switched 3x3

8:2:IE-RF.ROM :SandMath-IV-#4 Bank-Switched 3x3

8:3:AE-CS.ROM :SandMath-IV-#4 Bank-Switched 3x3

9:1:HL-B1.ROM :SandMath-IV-#4 Bank-Switched 3x3

9:2:HM-B2.ROM :SandMath-IV-#4 Bank-Switched 3x3

9:3:SI-RM.ROM :SandMath-IV-#4 Bank-Switched 3x3

A:1:AD-V1.ROM :Advanced Matrix/Polyn w/ Lib#4

B:1:AD-V2.ROM :Advanced Matrix/Polyn w/ Lib#4

B:2:AD-V3.ROM :Advanced Matrix/Polyn w/ Lib#4

Thanks Diego.


Post: #16


It's great when things (programs) do what they're supposed to do... ;-)

All the best.


Post: #17

Hi Sylvain,

I'm missing something from your list above: Wouldn't you also need the advantage's lower page (AD-V1) at A:2 ?

I say this because even if identical it needs to be present in both banks.

As a matter of fact, there's a new version of the SandMatrix that uses a modified version of bank-2 in the lower page - where I have managed to put more function launchers and the LASTF stuff. With this new version you definitely need four ROM images as well.


Edited: 11 Nov 2013, 8:38 a.m.

Post: #18


NoV's code takes care of that sort of things so there's no need to waste a page with duplicate ROM.

Whenever a bankswitched ROM calls its non-bankswitched counterpart, NoV (and Clonix) redirects it to the ROM area where bank 1 ROM is stored even if the calling ROM is in a different bank (it will never know... :-)

Hope this clarifies the point.



Post: #19

Of course I should've known better - so no need for that in the Advantage's case, thanks Diego for the clarification.

The new SandMatrix however will be a different story :-)

Post: #20

Hello Angel,

The AD-V?.ROM images was referring to your SandMatrix module and

not to the HP Advantage Pac. I took those names from inside your MOD file. ;-)

Could you specify where I can get those new library #4 files of yours.

I have look here and on the other site but did not found them.

I will send you an email later this week to order the new templates.

Thank you!


Post: #21

The new revisions will soon be posted on TOS - I can send you the files if you can't wait :-)

Glad to see there's still interest in this!

Post: #22

Hi Ángel,

The new SandMatrix however will be a different story :-)

Is there a different BS scheme in the new SandMatrix?

Keep in touch.


Post: #23

Sorry I didn't explain it better before, let me try again.

In the SandMatrix revision "M" I added quite a lot of functionality using the second bank in the lower port. In fact what I did was add support for the HEPAX-style bank-switching scheme - more versatile than the Advantage's, which requires fixed addresses in the lower page to return to from a call to bank-2 in the upper page.

So yes, the module now has two different banks for the lower page -therefore does not follow the Advantage set-up.

I must say I still haven't tried it on my Nov64, only on the CL (where it uses four blocks in total, two per page).

I'll send you the ROM images later tonight so you'll see what I mean.


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