So, simplified internally in terms of electronics ... which would hopefully lessen the chance of a hardware fault, but can't be ruled out.
I work with electronics repair all day , but have never took either full or half nut apart as yet - never had the need so far. (although I do have a halfnut right now which is about to be opened up and checked out for a DOA problem which I'm thinking is the end result of battery leak)
I take it the battery terminals are clean and no history of battery leakage ?
After excluding battery leakage problems It could be an actual memory problem, dodgy cap or similar or simply poor/iffy IC interconnections (poor soldering), if it can't access all the memory it's gonna think it's full of data hence the constant packing.
All just guesswork from me really, but if there's no obvious battery leak and a reset isn't curing it, then it obviously needs opening up to further discover where the problem lies.
Edited: 30 Oct 2013, 4:58 p.m.