So here is how I get around the loss of the bullets when switching APPs
This is a suite of Aviation related programs dedicated to enhancing flight safety:
- invoke this program first to intitate degrees mode, clear memory.
*Input lat/lon:
- this is the data input for start and finish waypoint
co-ordinates for the Great Circle and Intermediate latitude
- prompts for start latitude and longitude and finish latitude
and longitude.
*Great Circle:
- calculates great circle distance in nautical miles and then
displays initial true tack.
*Intermediate Latitude:
- calculates the intermediate latitude given the start and
finish waypoint co-ordinates input in the Input lat/lon routine
above. Prompts for the intermediate longitude.
*Temperature correction:
- prompts for airport temperature, airport altitude, final
approach fix altitude, minimum descent altitude and missed
approach point altitude.
- calculates the corrected barometric altitudes for all three
*Fuel in tank
- prompts for before fuel total, after fuel total, tender uplift
and specific gravity.
- calculates actual difference of fuel, % difference of fuel
above or below and pass or fail if % difference is greater then
*QNH>31.00 inches:
- prompts for actual QNH, MDA and VIS.
- calculates the corrected MDA and VIS.
create indents with hyphens (+/-) and asterisk with the multiply sign and of course indents with spaces.
Any chance of getting the bullets to be permanent on an update. Not a major bug but having re-inserted them a number of times thinking I was at fault it would be nice to have them!
Edited: 14 Oct 2013, 6:33 p.m.