I have made a program that will change the "Base" variable that I have assigned to the Sin key. It does the job and changes the system base, but I must go to another app or open Settings and close it again to force an update of the stack. Once this happens, all the #Numbers update to the new base. I have tried various things to try and update the stack via my program, but can't find anything so far that works. Any ideas?
CHOOSE(B, "Base", "Bin", "Oct", "Dec", "Hex");
Base:=B-1;RETURN 1;
I have tried things like a messagebox and startview ... all I can remember at the moment, but I've been beating on it and I'll bet there is a solution :)
By returning a 1 it seems to always fall back to the "Solve Symbolic View" and then I hit the Home key and it works. But if I could call a refresh to the stack or Home or something in the program that might eliminate this step. As this all is about the same key strokes as simply changing it via the Settings, it's kind of pointless at the moment. I'm trying to find a quick way to do this and it may seem trivial to some but say one is doing Quine-McCluskey Minimization's, its nice to easily find out the number of ones in a decimal number oer and over (or write another program) or many other digital electronic thingies require quickly bouncing between bases. Thanks in advance.