Prime pinch problem

Post: #6

I just got a Prime a few days ago. When I go to the plot screen of the Function app, I can't zoom by pinching. The manual indicates that this should work. Could the multi-touch be defective on my machine? Is there another way to test it? Are my fingers just too fat?


Post: #7

I think the pinch to zoom is only available in certain graphical/spreadsheet APPS. It would be nice everywhere.

Post: #8

My understanding is that it's available in the plot view of the function app. I'm still trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong or if my unit is defective.


Post: #9

I see what you mean. Mine wont pinch to zoom on Function APP either.

From Pg17 of Users guide

"Note that pinching to zoom only works in applications
that feature zooming (such as where graphs are plotted)."

So, I wonder if both our units are bad or if the Users guide is incorrect.

Post: #10

More that the user guide was slightly leading the software in this case by accident. There is pinching to do things in the explorer, and in the spreadsheet as well, but definitely needs more tuning.


Edited: 9 Oct 2013, 11:32 a.m.

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