Prime Program Editor Bug

Post: #10

I think this is a bug or maybe not, twice I have been entering a program and switched to home to look at variables and the calculator froze and I had to press On then Symbol to reboot, when it rebooted the editor was filled with:



which was displayed after the reboot

in other words the editor was cleared and the new lines for the program where gone. the program was back to the way it was before adding the lines

is there away to assure the program editor is saved to the program file being edited before you go to let say the HOME screen incase something happens and you have to reboot?
or if you hit SHift Program will that do it?


Edited: 7 Oct 2013, 8:04 p.m.

Post: #11

One way might be to turn the calculator off at an appropriate point. Then turn it back on, and crash it - - after the warm start, it should restore to the state where you turned it off. This worked for me a couple of times.

Post: #12


Normally the program is saved when you leave the program edior to go back home...

from what you are saying, it looks like this is exactly where it crashed (sorry about that, if you can reproduce it, please do not hesitate to provide keystrokes so that we can look at the problem).

The saving also happends if you click on the check menu.


Post: #13

I think this is a bug or maybe not, twice I have been entering a program and switched to home to look at variables and the calculator froze and I had to press On then Symbol to reboot, when it rebooted the editor was filled with:



which was displayed after the reboot

in other words the editor was cleared and the new lines for the program where gone. the program was back to the way it was before adding the lines

is there away to assure the program editor is saved to the program file being edited before you go to let say the HOME screen incase something happens and you have to reboot?
or if you hit SHift Program will that do it?


Out of curiosity, could you remember whether or not:

1) RPN was enabled?

2) You had a custom app installed (perhaps my Graph 3D app by chance)?

Post: #14

Not sure about RPN but Calculating wise I ussually use RPN, but I did have Graph 3D on there, its gone now some how the caclulater lost the apps and when I hit the Apps button the calculator would reboot. so I had to do a factory reset and Graph 3D was gone along with Dice Sim Example App. Graph 3D could of been the problem, the apps button reset the calculator a few times before when it was installed, I was planning to leave it removed :)

FYI it was kinda strange Graph 3D worked but it would draw over the screen displayed

Post: #15

i can recreate it by hiting on and symb no mater where i am at home,apps etc it always goes to the editor and displays



Then if I hit shift-Program i see an Message Box error message:
Syntax error in program line 0

The factory reset got the apps back but didnt change that
But I do the check function now and havent lost any programming anymore

Edited: 9 Oct 2013, 9:36 p.m.

Post: #16

i can recreate it by hiting on and symb no mater where i am at home,apps etc it always goes to the editor and displays



Then if I hit shift-Program i see an Message Box error message:
Syntax error in program line 0

The factory reset got the apps back but didnt change that
But I do the check function now and havent lost any programming anymore

Hi Dougggg,

Thanks for confirming my suspicion. Yes, Graph 3D was written to overwrite the current display. A simple RECT command can be inserted to do a clearscreen before graphing. I did not add it because there were plans to further improve the grapher. Right now those plans are slightly delayed.

Post: #17

Ok I did another 3 finger salute (on+ESC+APP) and now when I do ON-SYMB it Re-boots normally to the home screen, I will use it without programming for awhile and see if it stays normal. I think the problem is something in the programming enviroment/activity that causes the unusual behavior. if I see something that clicks I will report back :)

Post: #18

Ok I did another 3 finger salute (on+ESC+APP) and now when I do ON-SYMB it Re-boots normally to the home screen, I will use it without programming for awhile and see if it stays normal. I think the problem is something in the programming enviroment/activity that causes the unusual behavior. if I see something that clicks I will report back :)

You are probably fine using regular programs. I think it's when you start to use custom apps that problems can arise. My Graph 3D app is limited and was initially a proof of concept (that apps can be pretty easy to make, and that the programming language is pretty fast). There are a few places where you could easily break the app due to lack of error checking on my part. That said, the way apps are currently handled suggests there may be other issues aside from bugs within a user's code.

If you do figure out anything regarding bugs, though, do share !

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