The same happens with EDITLIST(user defined name). The prime crashes.
So if you want to edit a matrix or a list that you named, you need to store that in one of the predefined M0,...,M9, or L0,...,L9, because they can be edited with the built-in editors (unless produced by EIGENVV - - see below).
Here are some previous comments I posted earlier on google comp.sys.hp48:
Complex entries work in the editor (with built-in matrices M0-M9), so no problem there. I initially wanted to enter the matrix in the command line, e.g., [[(2,3) 6]], and that doesn't work. The comma doesn't get recognized, and when you press Enter, you get [[ 2 3 6]].
Create any real 3x3 matrix, store in M1
Store in L1
Open the list editor and try editing L1
-> HP Prime has stopped working.
I was pleasantly surprised that the Prime knows how to integrate 'SIN(x)*LN(x)' in CAS view (which the HP50G cannot), but then, looking at the answer, 'Ci(x)-COS(x)*LN(x*SIGN(x)', pressing the help button on the Ci integral (i.e., cosine integral, highlighted in the CAS catalog) brings up the definition of the Ei integral. (However, in help tree view, the correct definition comes up).
BTW, same problem with the sine integral (Si) - - the help screen gives the definition of the exponential integral, and the Si is not even listed in tree view (under special functions).