Prime Edit Integer

Post: #10

Is there a way to bring up the "Edit Integer" display in RPN mode?

Post: #11

Not with the version you have unfortunately... :-(


Post: #12

OK, thanks for the info.

Post: #13

apologies here...back to the did you get int(1/surd(x-1,3)^2,x,0,2) to evaluate to 6? It returns the unevaluated integral in textbook, even if I'm in algebraic.


I got a powerball lotto program to work properly as my 1st program on the prime. It comes up with 5 non repeating integers in the proper range along with the bonus ball in it's entire proper range! Makes me want to buy a ticket. Learned how to use repeat until, some syntax, use of sort list, delta list, product list, declaring variables!

Nice work by you and the HP group!


Post: #14


I apologize on this one. I did not realize that there were some recent changes made that make this work. I was on a more recent revision.

>Nice work by you and the HP group!



Post: #15

Not with the version "you" have? Does this mean there's a new OS version on the way?

Post: #16

I'm talking about "Edit Integer" not "Integral". It's available when you select Shift-Base. It allows one to see different bases, the inverse, shift bits, etc. I think this has gotten crossed with a different thread? I'm sure an updated OS is in the works. When we will see it is the mystery.

Post: #17

No, it's this thread; I was responding to Tim's post. Sorry for the confusion!

Post: #18

No problem at all. Thanks.

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