Hi guys,
I know that the forum is currently swamped with Prime news, but I have a small task I'd like to get through: sorting out my heap of calculators.
I'm currently going through my 71Bs, and I've got two RAM modules, from Hand Held Products (the ones that you put in where the magnetic card reader goes): a 32K one, and a 96K one (32 KiB / 96 KiB, to be very precise).
The problem I've got is trying to make sure that the modules are sound, i.e. no fault.
I couldn't find any obvious built-in command to do such a diagnostic, but could there be something? or could there be programs already out there (published or not) that would do that?
Of course, failing all that, I'd write a small BASIC program that cycles through memory, writing various bit patterns and checking them, but that feels tedious and slow. I would have expected that many people in the distant past would have needed to check their RAM modules, and that there would be existing solutions out there...