What worries me is that I, or something I own, appears in half of those pictures (which of course are from past conferences, Hugh
doesn't have a time machine yet).
I will attempt to identify the pictures :
1) General view from the balcony of the PCR at Imperial College over Prince Consort Road
2) My HP9100B and 9125 plotter
3) My homebrew EPROM module for the HP9810/HP9820
4) Wlodek talking about an HP41 (I think)
5) Hugh talking about ??
6) Wlodek describing the HP15C LE
7) Me talking about the HP9866 printer hardware.
8) Danish (Dr Ali) telling us how to build a calculator on a microcontroller board
9) Me descibing part of an HP paper tape reader
10) My HP paper tape reader
11) Hugh describing calculator displays
12) The display board from my HP9820 or HP9830 (Can't see which).