RPN-67 Pro updated to v1.2

Post: #14

I've just released version 1.2 of RPN-67 Pro. Besides the usual bug fixes, I've added some useful functions to the HP-67:

h A: RAN# (random number)

h B: BEEP (audible tone)

h C: MOD (y modulo x)

h D: DATE (current date, formatted as mm.ddyyyy)

h E: TIME (current time, 24-hours-format, resolution 1/100th seconds)

All functions are programmable, of course. Hope you like the update.

Post: #15

So far I only got the free version. And even that is really great. Thanks for making this available!
I will buy the pro version soon.
By the way, how big a chunk of the money does Apple get?

Post: #16

That's no secret: 30%. Not that it matters, though; my chunk wouldn't appear on Apple's balance sheet even at an HP-67's DSP 9 setting... :-)

Post: #17


I must say that your emulator is beyond spectacular!!!! I recall when I was in Lausanne (yep not terribly far from you, given the fact that I live in the eastern part of the USA) a few weeks ago, I spent the evenings (while my wife watched videos of BBC's Downton Abbey on the hotel's TV) downloading the HP-67 applications pacs and user solution programs on my iPad3. Your work is impressive. Sir, you are an ace programmer.


Edited: 6 June 2013, 9:01 a.m.

Post: #18

my chunk wouldn't appear on Apple's balance sheet even at an HP-67's DSP 9 setting... :-)

It sure won't. But I suspect you didn't do this for the money anyway ;)

However I do think you got the price exactly right. A lower price probably wouldn't get you a lot of additional customers. A higher price (something like HP is asking for their emulators of the 15c and 12c) would probably scare of quite a few potential customers.

Post: #19

The PRO version is, in my opinion, the best bargain of all the apps. So much packed into one app, and up to 999 program steps, to boot!

Post: #20

A real pro model is go97c on android in + mode :-)

896 steps, 106 registers (all adressable memory used), long card (up to whole program or whole registers), 5 new instructions (all 256 opcodes used), a new index register (reg e)...

All those features due to new patched roms (new developpment on this cpu since 30 years)...


Edited: 6 June 2013, 2:17 p.m.

Post: #21

Just upgraded my pro version. Thanks for the new functions!!!

Post: #22

Can you expand the concept of the custom functions on the first row of buttons by also using the gold and blue shift keys with the black shift key. So for example [f][h][E] would return the Gamma function??? Other examples are:

[f][h][A] -> sinh(x)
[f][h][B] -> cosh(x)
[f][h][C] -> tanh(x)
[f][h][D] -> erf(x)
[f][h][E] -> Gamma(x)
[g][h][A] -> arcsinh(x)
[g][h][B] -> arccosh(x)
[g][h][C] -> arctanh(x)
[g][h][D] -> Bessel J(n,x)
[g][h][E] -> Bessel Y(n,x)

Can we also use key sequence of [h][f] and [h][g] to generate even more functions????? I don't see why all of the above combinations cannot be implemented!!!

Just a thought from a deranged mind!!!


Edited: 6 June 2013, 8:52 a.m.

Post: #23

Prefix keys f, g and h are currently mutually exclusive, so introducing combinations may lead to unforeseen ramifications. There's also the problem of displaying the additional functions in a reasonable way.

With f A etc already taken, this leaves g A etc, as well as g CHS, g EEX and g CLx. So the next version will bring you:

CLST (clear stack, g EEX)
SIGN (sign of x, g CLx)
DATE+ (add days to date)
DDAYS (number of days between dates)
DOW (day of week of a date)
These functions work the same as on the HP-41, except that the date functions cover the much larger range of 1.1.0001 through 12.31.9999. They also handle Julian dates (shown as negative dates.)

In addition, I'll introduce a pair of surprisingly useful functions never seen before on an RPN calculator (as far as I know.)

This leaves one key combination (g CHS) unused. I'm open for suggestions.

Enjoy RPN-67 Pro. And don't forget to leave a short review on the App Store.

Post: #24

I just wrote a review via iTunes for the emulator.

Post: #25

I don't know what happened to all of the older reviews (on I-Tunes) including mine. Today when I clicked on "All Versions" I only saw one review. Where did the others go?

Post: #26

There are lots of RPN Calculator Apps in the App store, but I'd say RPN-67 PRO is the most beautiful and most thoughtfully constructed and it keeps getting better!

Many RPN apps do a pretty good job of faithfully emulating the original calculator, but nothing more. RPN-67 PRO takes full advantage of the iOS platform to add extras that HP couldn't have dreamed of. Also gives us many more digits of accuracy than the original. I am wondering when someone will write a program that takes advantage of all the extra program memory!

This is a dream machine and a work of art!
Thanks for giving us such a beautiful creation !


Post: #27

I feel like traveling back in time and buying a new HP-67, even though my beloved HP-41C creamed it. The 67 still remains a special love (my second HP calculator).

Post: #28

Unfortunately the "extra digits of accuracy" breaks programs that depended on there being exactly ten digits.

Post: #29

If that's a concern, go to Settings and turn off enhancements. It will then give you the same accuracy as the original.

Post: #30

The SIGN function can be implemented using by the following three commands:


Maybe the entry for SIGN should be used for another more elaborate function, like Gamma.

Post: #31

This doesn't work for zero.

Post: #32

Oooopppppppppppppsss ... you got me .... how silly of me!!!!


The correct implementation would be:


But that uses more statements and a label. I guess a SIGN implementation is fine.

Edited: 6 June 2013, 7:03 p.m.

Post: #33

The 41C's builtin SIGN didn't handle the X=0 case properly either, if I recall correctly.

One fewer step and without using a label:

x#0? is "x not equal to zero?".

Using ABS LASTx / instead of ENTER ABS / also sets LASTX correctly.

Post: #34

SIGN(0) may either return 0 or 1, depending on the implementation. I'll stick with the HP-41 way of treating 0 as a positive number.
SIGN is very useful in cases like this: expand the value x by 2, that is, add 2 if x is positive, subtract 2 if x is negative.

Workarounds are great, but hard to remember. Here's another case in point: ATAN2, which can be emulated like this:
if you don't want to mess up the stack.
An easy workaround, to be sure, but again, you have to remember it. So, unless a better idea turns up, I'll add ATAN2 to the next iteration of RPN-67 Pro.

Post: #35

The HP-41 returns 1 for SIGN(0) to allow support for the special case where the X register contains alpha data.

In that case, SIGN returns 0.

f ASTO . X

Leaves 0.0000 in X and 'MOHPC' in LASTx.

Mark Hardman

Houston, TX

Post: #36

If you really want Gamma as a function (not just as a program), it could be incorporated into the factorial function as it was on the RPN-45 HD or on other HP calcs such as the 34C.


"Maybe the entry for SIGN should be used for another more elaborate function, like Gamma."

Post: #37


I'll bet by now you have tried Viktor Toth's excellent Gamma program for HP-67 on RPN-67 PRO. Hmmm, I wonder if he would have written it any differently if he had 999 program steps available as we have in this emulator?


Post: #38

I did try the Math Pac Gamma function among the first programs!!! You have a very good insight!!!


Post: #39

I've just released version 1.2 of RPN-67 Pro. Besides the usual bug fixes, I've added some useful functions to the HP-67:

h A: RAN# (random number)

h B: BEEP (audible tone)

h C: MOD (y modulo x)

h D: DATE (current date, formatted as mm.ddyyyy)

h E: TIME (current time, 24-hours-format, resolution 1/100th seconds)

All functions are programmable, of course. Hope you like the update.

Thanks so much - love this app, especially for someone was born 2 years after then 67 came into existence.

Post: #40

I bought it too. The HP67 was my first calculator, and it has a special place in my heart. This program is almost a good enough reason to buy an ipad mini and use it just as a calculator.

Now if only an Android version were available :)

Post: #41

You can search for go67c and go97c on google play :)

Those are hardware emulators, so no new fancy function on 67, BUT
new development on the go97c rom give a 97+ model :

- 896 steps,

- 106 memory,

- 5 new opcodes

- long magnetic cards

Edited: 11 June 2013, 2:38 a.m.

Post: #42

I love it that you can turn off the app's enhancements and operate it as a standard calculator. That lets me develop programs for the real calculator without accidentally exceeding its limits. Thanks for a great app!

Post: #43

Thank you for your comment. It takes some effort to make the distinction, but I'm glad to hear it's not a moot point. It was quite a shock to see how many programs would not run correctly on a "modern" HP-67.

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