I tried to use 'TVM' app for wp-34s (32tT3382).
I started tracing it and after a few steps top line showed
1683:SDR 00
The result was 0.13, which was momentarily confusing. When I looked at it in P/R mode it was SDR 002
May I suggest format this kind of command so that leading zeroes are not shown? After all the sequence 002 represents number 2 (unlike, say, register 02, where 02 is pretty much the name of a register). Same thing for #013 -- #13 is what actually meant there anyway.
Also, if command shown during step does not fit, it would be nice to show some indication that what you see is not a complete command. small = annunciator, maybe? Or pattern of pixels in the last column of the display?
Another inconsistency during program entry: [RCL] [0] [<-] keeps RCL _ ready to accept corrected address but [RCL] [+] [<-] cancels RCL altogether.
I also noticed that VIEW[alpha] command disappears from P.FCN catalog in "input" mode. I had to read IOP to find that now it is on a shortcut ([h][view][-]). I kind of a see a logic of a shortkut ([h] [view] is VWα+ and [-] "cancels" the +), but it was unpleasant surprise to not find a command where it used to be in a mode where it is a valid command.
(I've got my 34s less than a week ago and it takes me multiple attempts to enter certain commands. I am also full of other good suggestions which I am desperately trying to contain.)