Anyway, do you know other commands to achieve a delay with no busy wait with user/syRpl?
A few years ago, we get a new software to drive the mass spectrometer and treat mass spectra. I was not confident in this new piece of cake. So, I have used my HP-28S quite often to check mass attribution, spectra de-convolutions and statistics I obtained from this new (fully integrated and sophisticated) software.
Unfortunately, my poor Advance Calculator was a bit slow (I have not spend a lot of time in optimization or using adapted algorithm – I had prefered ‘brute force’ computations or systematic/algorithmic seeks – my priority was to be sure I don’t miss anything obvious).
The computations on my HP-28S was split in three logic blocks; input of survey data, deconvolution and factor analysis, list of main facts/mass peaks and individual mass-peak ions attribution with filters for coherent attribution with chemical formula coherence, mono- or poly- isotopic patterns, natural relative abundance of elements, etc…
Each block of computation was carried on a separate bunch of dedicated userRPL commands. Each long run command was ended with a BEEP and activate a custom MENU which give me the opportunity to continue to the next(s) step(s) of the process.
No WAIT or INKEY or INPUT was used. There were no ‘busy waiting’. The calculator simply turns off after a few minutes unattended.
This appended often, I was busy, my attention was mainly on driving the spectrometers and survey analysis was mainly performed as a background task. And the verification by the HP28S, when needed was the background of the background! (But, still an important task, especially because the new software has bugs and the user often miss to correctly activated the numerous and obscure options on it!
The other commands to achieve a delay with no busy wait until the user response I know is to split each part of the computation into a dedicated RPL command.
Eventually using the custom MENU facility to prepare the interface for the next(s) step(s) and, in case of long run, attract attention of the user by a short BEEP.
If no response arises in the moment, the calculator will simply turn off.
The late user will have to turn it back on. Fortunately RPL calculators keeps stack, menu, etc through ON/OFF power cycles.
Results and soft menus will then clearly indicate at which step of the total process the calculator has stop. Continuation or adjustments may be easily available, by specific soft-menu key assignation.