Canon F-789SGA calculator

Post: #3

Hello, if you are interested in, have a look on this new calculator with this review :

Post: #4

They sell an emulator of it. Anybody here who may tell if it is worth to care?


Post: #5

Canon 789SGA is mentioned a lot in Chinese calculator communities these days.
It's hardware and software is very close to CASIO fx-991es plus but has some improvements, for example the APP key, which is much easier to use, quadratic equation and 4-unknown system solver and 4x4 matrices.
And it's even cheaper than a CASIO fx-991es plus!
Thus, 789SGA is regarded as a strong competitor with fx-991es plus.

Here is a test of 789SGA by wtof (in Chinese)

I use hp, ti and Casio. Though RPN is cool, I have to say that the Natrual-V.P.A.M is much faster and easier to use. You can check the input expression, which is impossible with RPN. Btw, square root and fraction support is also useful.

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