New HP 39gII firmware

Post: #11

sorry, I found it on but Tim Wessman ask for removing it (not stable version). Done.

A stable version should be released in the coming days. Could you confirm Tim please ?

Edited: 26 Apr 2013, 12:40 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #12

I added the firmware for the calc.

Post: #13

Hello, I got it for the emulator (I am preparing the calculator one) :

New version is Version 2012 11 23. Rev:19017.
I don't know the changelog.

Hi Mic,

do you know where to get this new emulator version???

The link on this Calc-Bank site says "new emulator version", but all you get is a very old one (07/2012), even older than the version from the official HP-site (09/2012).

So where to download this really new emulator?


Post: #14

Oh sorry, I made a bad manipulation with the files. I corrected it and included instructions to update. Try again please !

Post: #15

Try again please !

Yep, now this is indeed a new version! :-)

Since only the HP39gII.exe is included, I assume that no other files have changed in this new version!?

Thanks for the update,


Post: #16

Yes, just the HP39gII.exe
If you see new features, tell us :)

Post: #17

Yes, just the HP39gII.exe
If you see new features, tell us :)

Well, the only new 'feature' I see is that this version now is asking for a '10 character keycode'! Of course I don't have such a code, because the 39gII emulator never needed any code in the past. So I can't use it right now ...

But I've cracked all other HP emulators, so I'm sure it will also be no problem for this 'update' - it just needs a bit work.


Edit: Problem with the keycode solved - was quite easy (just a single-byte-patch). ;-)

Let me know if anyone needs this 'medicine' for the new HP-39gII update ...

Edited: 26 Apr 2013, 3:16 p.m.

Post: #18

I just downloaded the emulator and it works fine without asking any code on Wine under Linux. That said there is a remaining display bug : just input 10^-3 and look at the display after pushing 'Enter', the '10' is just lost...doesn't occur with positive exponent. Too bad ;-(

Post: #19

I just downloaded the emulator and it works fine without asking any code on Wine under Linux.

Strange, did you maybe have a previous version installed already and entered such a keycode in the past?

If yes then it's clear (it uses the old key from the registry) -

if no then I have no clue why it works for you without this keycode request!?

Edit: I've just redownloaded the package again, and now the file has changed once more: now it includes the previous version from Sep 4, 2012 and this doesn't require any keycode of course.

So maybe you should check your emulator version in the 'Help' menu ...


Edited: 26 Apr 2013, 4:25 p.m.

Post: #20

You got it. 4 sept 2012 !!!

Post: #21

Tim Wessman asked for removing it (not stable version).
I put back the Sept version.

Post: #22

But it is available for download here :

Post: #23

Tim Wessman asked for removing it (not stable version).
I put back the Sept version.

Just to be on the safe side, I think I will hold back until HP makes an official ROM Version for the 39gii.

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