All cables for the WP 34S have been shipped! Still have them available for now

Post: #6

If you haven't received it in another week to 10 days outside the USA, let me know.

If you are looking for a cable, email me through here or put a "Hey Gene?" post. :-)

Sorry for the delays, but they are all shipped.

Post: #7

All cables for the WP 34S have been shipped! Still have them available for now

:-? Maybe you meant: "All ordered cables for the WP 34S have been shipped! Still have some 50 of them available for you." But how shall I know what you thought as long as I can only read what you wrote?


Post: #8

ah, but you are pretty good at mind-reading. ;-)

Post: #9

Hey Gene. I want to get a cable for wp34s.

Post: #10

DongXi, ni hao!

That's a really nice nickname you chose. Hope you find enough things to justify it.


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