Yet a new TI calculator with color screen ?!



It is the TI-84 Pocket SE (currently only sold in Asia) with a color screen :

Will we see TI89 or Voyage 200 with colour screens ??...
Will HP release its first color calc ?


Will HP release its first color calc ?
Only those obligated to a NDA would know.


Call me old school but I believe a colour screen won't add much to the functionality of a calculator, especially an RPN one.



Call me old school but I believe a colour screen won't add much to the functionality of a calculator, especially an RPN one.

To the functionality maybe not. But colour contrast together with brighntness contrast (black and white) greatly enhances the readability compared to brightness alone. And for graphic displays, colour is essential anyway.


... for graphic displays, colour is essential anyway.

IMHO, good 2d graphics works without color as well if not better than with. And 3d graphics is seldom good, according to my practical experience. YMMV.


What about real 3D graphics?


No holodeck and odorama? :-)


Holodeck would be great as well, but I fear the technology is not available yet :-)


Call me old school but I believe a colour screen won't add much to the functionality of a calculator, especially an RPN one.

For a RPN one, you are right.

But for a graphing one, color can be of great help

on the HP39GII, if you try to plot 10 functions in the function explorer app, I am sure colors will help to see which curve belong to which function.


I'd like to see what the battery life is. I definitely wouldn't want to be having to recharge all the time like a cell phone, and I am not aware of any technology that would allow good battery life with a color display. I have no use for color myself.


The customers (teachers, students) will answer the question: color or not color?


I think they will answer yes.


I think they will answer yes.

Agree. The models available right now (Casio Prizm, TI nSpire CX) are quite impressive.


Considering a lot of games already written for the TI-84+ series, the two colour models are going to be more attractive gameboys! :P


Don't panic! For HP49/50 there are also a lot of games, see:


Yes! Colour screen may appeal to many potential users except me. In terms of features, the TI-84 series is good for students but not beyond. I don't think many stuents can use the colour screen constructively rather than for entertainment. If TI doesn't do much in the next ROM upgrade of the TI-84 series, the two models in this series should only be improved gameboys!

As a loyal HP user, I look forward to a colour graphing model from HP.

Edited: 23 Nov 2012, 7:01 a.m.


... of course with CAS, RPN and ENTER-Key.


When our kids were in high school, they said the only thing students in their math classes used the graphics on the required TI graphing calculators for was games.


I have the TI-NSpire CX CAS and for me the color graphing, 2 & 3D, is very good. I also substitute in high school math and science classes. The math and science teachers I've seen do not teach their student how to use or program their calculators. I am taking a class in vector calculus where there is a high school math teacher taking it for his continuing education for accreditation. He does not know how to program a calculator even though he has a TI calculator with CAS. In fact, he does not know anything about programming.


He does not know how to program a calculator even though he has a TI calculator with CAS. In fact, he does not know anything about programming.

Heaven help that he knows how to teach ;-)


Re color displays and the virtues or detriments thereof, what are us poor, unloved color blind/color ignorant individuals in my case, to do?

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