Found HP 65 with clear see thru case

Post: #16

I found a HP 65 scientific calculator with a clear see thru case. The case sure looks like it came from the factory since it has the lettering on it.

I'm trying to understand if this was a factory prototype, a retail sample or just a different retail version.


Post: #17

I'm sure it's a normal HP-65 that was left out in the Sun too long. :-)

But more seriously, check out the "Clear Cases" information at the bottom of this web site's HP-65 page.

BTW...that's a very nice find!

Edited: 10 Nov 2012, 1:08 p.m.

Post: #18

Thanks. I saw that description:

Because these calculators were developed without computer-aided-design, these were made to provide a clear view of how everything fit together.

What does ^^ that mean. Was it to showcase the design/layout or were these clear cases used during manufacturing to ensure they were built right and then they switched to std. cases?

I'm not sure how to interpret that description.

Post: #19

They can see all the components within the case - these days we use 3D computer aided design to ensure everything fits within the case. Back then they had to see it in the case.

Post: #20

Should also say that the clear case was also about seeing how effective the moulding process was for the case - any bubbles or imperfections can be seen easily in a clear case. Most clear cases have a serial number starting with '9999' as well.

Post: #21

Thanks, so these were actually manufacturing models/prototypes and not intended for retail sales?

(There is no serial number on mine)

Post: #22

Beautiful demo unit ... sigh.

Post: #23

Which brings up the questions:

Although, not for public purchase, how common were these clear case models?

Were these prototypes for R&D/internal HP usage only?


Post: #24

Were these prototypes for R&D/internal HP usage only?

AFAIK, yes. See the museum.

Post: #25


Post: #26

Nice find! There is some information and examples on clear cased HP's HERE

I'd love to have a clear HP65 in my collection - I have a clear 67, which is one of my favorites.

Cheers, Keith

Edited: 10 Nov 2012, 5:59 p.m.

Post: #27

I should also say that i've not seen a clear front on a classic before. All the clear cased HP's of the 1970's era had a 'normal' front keypad area. I remember there were two clear cased 65's for sale on ebay last year and they only had clear cased backs (like my HP-67 and my HP-38C )

Post: #28

If you remove the overlay, your 38C is a fully clear-cased unit;-)

Post: #29

Hi Raymond,
How do I remove it? Is it glued down, or do I need to open the case up? Cheers, Keith

Post: #30

Hi Keith,

the overlay is glued to the case. However I'd leave it where it is ;-)

I also thought about removing the overlay of my clear case 41C, but decided to leave it as it is.



Post: #31

This is the rest of what I got at the garage sale. $5 for the entire lot.

Post: #32

What a find!
There's also an HP70!!!
My compliments, and the price is right, for sure. ;-)


Post: #33

Wow! Jackpot!

Post: #34

Congratulations! That's a really large lump of luck!! Even if only one of these calcs would work, it's more than worth the money you spent for sure.

Post: #35

Thanks, they all work except the one on the bottom right!!

Post: #36

Amazing find!

Post: #37


Post: #38


Post: #39

Congratulations on the find of the year! You make me sick! LOL jk but man that is a sweet find.

Post: #40

I can add a little info here. Once the sales force saw these they would occasionally get some to give to special clients. I knew several people that worked at the Corvallis factory. People would often trade parts from their own department for parts from other peoples departments and build their own custom calculators. The people the worked with the plastic injection processes as well as those that used these clear cases for inspection (as has already been described) were the source of these clear parts. I have had several.
I once even had a clear case for a HP85! It was disposed of without my knowledge! I was not happy about that! I still have several clear cases that need the internal parts to become calculators. I'm sure they all will eventually. I have a clear case back for a HP65 but not the front. Still as soon as a good HP65 comes along...

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