I do not think there is an emulator with built-in stack overflow warning. Simply because it does not make sense: Key in any number you like, or simply press the ENTER key, and T is lost. Data is lost even if T was zero before - a zero does not indicate an "empty" register, it can be a meaningful, important value just as any other number.
Regarding memory usage of numeric constants: yes, sometimes you have to be a bit ...creative. For instance, on the 35s [Pi] [INT] is shorter and faster than a simple [3]. But what about the 32s? How many bytes are required for a simple 0.9?
I think the best start for a translation from a 35s program to your 32s, or in general from machine X to Y, is a thorough understanding of how the program works. Literal translations sure are not the best way to handle this, often a different approach based on the specific features of the target device is way better - and ofter faster and more concise as well.
Just think of most HP-67/97 programs that could also run on a HP-41 system (with attached card reader), and then imagine how much better and faster these could have programmed, using the advantages of the 41-series.