So any pics / videos from HHC 2012

Post: #5

Does anyone have any pics / videos to post related to the most recent HHC?

Post: #6


Post: #7

I should have the videos posted to my YouTube channel (hpcalcorg) by tomorrow.


Post: #8

I should have the videos posted to my YouTube channel (hpcalcorg) by tomorrow.


Thank you!! (Wish I could have been there, but this was the next best thing.)

Post: #9

Yep!!! The HHC2012 videos ARE posted on YouTube!!!


Post: #10

One of the presentations (was it Jake?) left an open question which I can answer easily: The WP 34S printing was mostly my part. Katie Wasserman was of great help with selecting the components and doing some preliminary proof of concept testing. I had the idea and did all the programming on the WP 34S.

Post: #11

Tank-you Eric for the reportage!
Just now listenig and looking Namir introducing Curve fittng..............
thank-you again

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