Hi all!
I was looking for informations about the HP32sII and related benchmarks when I found this old post in the archives, a long discussion expecially between Norm and Valentin Albillo..........very, very interesting matter, then while searching I stopped on Namir Shammas site with his HP67 emulator and I agreed, reading words like:"These programs run MUCH FASTER THAN ON THE ORIGINAL CALCULATOR!!! The simulator combines the speed and power of the personal computer with the vintage technology of the HP-67 calculator. No more taking coffee breaks while the calculator is busy crunching numbers!!"
just a couple of days ago, I was trying to calculate with programs written for hp67 (stat pac), HP41c and HP42s (J.Baillard, thanks) n! of an integer (5.850 or 5,850 for the ones who use the comma in place of dot)....
Here below the porformances (crunching time)
HP67 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2h 15'
HP41c >>>>>>>>>>>>> 20 '
HP41c emulator>>>>> 14'
HP42s >>>>>>>>>>>>> 11'
Hp42s emulator>>>>> 3'' (woah!)
HP49g+(build in fn) 20'
not yet tested with WP34s
Really we moved in the last years from the moon to mars!
Edited: 26 Sept 2012, 9:05 a.m. after one or more responses were posted