First I want to say the 34S is an incredible achievement and I take my hat off to all involved. You folks have pretty much made the impossible possible. I am not complaining nor bashing your hard work. These are just a few of my observations using this excellent device.
Ok, first one is just maybe that's the way it is or it had to be done that way.
The calculator is on and you pick it up. You are not sure what mode the display is in and you press back arrow to clear the display but there is not a alpha text displayed and instead it clears your current number. On the 41C if you press the back arrow and hold it you will get CLX followed by NULL. On the 34S it just clears the current number. For me somewhat brutal of the machine to do this. Just my $0.02
Second one is the ENTRY? command in a program. Is there anyway to clear the flag that an entry has been made without having to run a program? On the 41C if you turn the calculator off then on flag 22 is cleared. Or you can clear flag 22 or flag 23 manually.
Thank you again for all the hard work on this incredible calculator.