Obtaining More Decimal Digits (50g)

Post: #5


Post: #6

Hi Eddy,

Interesting. Here is a program wich calcultate n digits of PI with the same idea using BMP (Plouffe) formula

 -> n
0 @ initial Value of PI
n ALOG @ Number of digits to find
1 @ 16^k initial value = 16^0
0 '2+LOG(8*n)+n*LOG(16)' >NUM CEIL R>I FOR k @ Number of iteration
k 1. DISP @ Display iterations
OVER [ 120 151 47 ] k PEVAL * @ Nominator * n ALOG
OVER 16 * SWAP ROT @ 16^k and 16^(k+1) on the stack
[ 512 1024 712 194 15 ] k PEVAL * @ Denominator
IQUOT 4. ROLL + UNROT @ Integer quotient and add to ~PI
'nPi' STO

The idea is that if you expand Plouffe formula :

'(1/(16^k))*((((4/((8*k)+1))-(2/((8*k)+4)))-(1/((8*k)+5)))-(1/((8*k)+6)))' EVAL EXPAND

500 nPi gives the 500 first décimal of PI in ~ 3mn on a real calc (few seconds with emu48)(the last 3 digits are wrong)

As you can see here, the BMP formula is very interesting to calculate the n'th dgit of PI in hexadecimal :

Calculate the 1 million PI hexa digit in UserRpl

Edited: 1 Sept 2012, 5:55 a.m.

Post: #7

I kind of get stuck at matching 20 digits for pi.
(correct digits of pi are separated)

24 nPi returns 314159265358979323846 1556

30 nPi returns 314159265358979323846 1565762641

36 nPi returns 314159265358979323846 1565762653862973


Sorry for the late reply

Post: #8


You must be in 'exact mode' (uncheck APPROX in CAS setup) and _no decimal point_ in the numbers used for calculation in the program

36 nPI


2500 nPI


Edited: 13 Sept 2012, 5:57 p.m.

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