Article 830 (17bII+ solver differences)

Post: #2

I found a mention of article 830 in one of the 2009 archives. It was in the context of a thread on random number generators for the 17bII+ and said the the article addresses the differences between the 17bII and the 17bII+ solvers.

It does not appear to be in the articles list. Can anyone point me to a copy?


Post: #3

Don Shepherd re-published the article in HPCC Magazine Datafile V27 N2. It was subsequently removed from the MoHPC. You can still get a copy by ordering the extremely valuable PPC CD-ROM Set for $25.

Mark Hardman

Houston, TX

Edited: 28 July 2012, 10:38 p.m.

Post: #4

Thanks all, Don has kindly sent me a link to a pdf copy.


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