Hi, glad to swing by and see the forum is still very alive. Last time I was here was in 2008. Was just going thr my calc collection ;)
Anyway, not sure what i did but i was messing around with the programs on my HP 41 CV. Somehow, i have managed to accidentally "merge" two programs which originally has "end" to each. They sit right next to each other in memory.
So it used to be when you do "catalog 1", it would list each program name then the word "end" then another prg name. Now when it comes to that prg, it would list that name but no "end" and immediately list the next name.
when you access program mode, you can see that somehow the two prgs are now continuous.
Hope I am making some sense. Much appreciated if anyone can tell me what i should do to be able to separate them and maybe also what I did wrong. I hate to have to delete the programs and re enter them. One of those two prgs only have like 25 steps, but the other one has over 300 steps!!! ;(
I tried to do GTO.. at the end of the first prog, but still not been able to separate the two ;(
Edited: 8 July 2012, 1:14 p.m.