Two PPC ROMs with the same serial#

Post: #7

An eBay auction currently running (221041569757) features a PPC ROM that (allegedly) is marked with the same serial number as my PPC ROM. I asked the seller if he was certain about the number, thinking that, if he'd made a typo, he'd want to correct it before the item sold.... to head of the possibility of a Not As Described case. No answer. OK. Maybe I was too vague. I contacted seller again and said that his s/n was identical to mine. No response.

I have no problem with the guy ignoring me; it's his reputation* on the line, not mine. But I wonder if non-unique s/n - among PPC ROMs or any other HP-41-related hardware is a known thing.

*One member here wrote some strong words about this seller in another thread.

Post: #8

Each original order for the PPC ROM get two ROMs. I think they had the same number.

Post: #9

That would make a matched pair somewhat collectable.

Post: #10

Sorry to disappoint you, but the number is _not_ a real serial number, only kinda batch number.

The four numbers (2333) only indicate the production year and week, the 33rd week in 1983 in this case.



Post: #11

My recollection is that the original ones did have a stamped serial number, but it was with larger characters than the HP production week.

Certainly there will be *many* units that match the production week.

Post: #12

I hope Richard Nelson is reading these threads, because he can tell you everything you want to know about the PPC ROM's production.


Post: #13

Another current PPC ROM auction 190693962335. This one arguably matches your description, Eric. Has 214?, in small digits, melted into the shell directly below "ID10/20 Singapore" and "2024A" in quite large type melted into the opposite side of the shell. My "2333" ROM has nothing at all on that side.

Post: #14

I always though that the large engraving was the Owner's PPC member#, and thus noting to do with the serial number...

I think I read this was done for just a few of the initial batch ROMs. Truth, legend, myth or else I cannot tell.

Post: #15

Hi all,

Was more than one batch of PPC modules manufactured?

I mean, PPC module was a 1981 release, so, a 2333 s/n should belong to a later production run. All the PPC ROM's I've seen so far are 21xx (2146 - 47 IICR).

Obviously if some user got his PPC ROM housing damaged he may well place its internals into a nother case, replace the labels and super-glue it again... ;-)

Just some thoughts


Post: #16

I think there was at least one later batch. It seems likely that the PPC serial numbers were only put on the initial batch.

Post: #17

I think there was at least one later batch. It seems likely that the PPC serial numbers were only put on the initial batch.

I believe that there may have been two additional batches, but I don't think those had the engraving on the side. The original set of 2500 orders (each with two ROMs) had engraving with an "A" on one and a "B" on the other following the number. This was a sequence number from 1 to 2500 and a chart in the PPC ROM manual, starting on page 135 showed which members (by member number only) ordered which ones. For instance, my order was 78 and I kept "78A" while selling "78B" to another local PPC member in our Philadelphia-area PPC chapter in 1981.


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