Hi all,
I've owned HP41's for a long time but am a complete novice when it comes to HP-IL. Recently I decided to purchase a PIL-BOX from Jean-Francois & have been pleasantly surprised at how simple it is to get the communication going with my PC & how reliable the link is via ILPer.
With Jean-Francois' instructions I was quickly able to "print" to ILPer, perform a complete back-up of the calculator to HDRIVE1 & then re-create everything I have in the real calculators within EMU41.
Where I am struggling & would appreciate your advice, is in finding a simple way to transfer new programme files from my PC to the calculators. Have had some success in using DOSLINK to add these programmes to EMU41, then to the calculators, but it seems like a rather awkward way of doing things.
From what I have read, I believe it should be possible to transfer a programme without using EMU41 by converting the file into .LIF then "pointing to it" with ILPer.
I am using WIN41UC/HP41UC to convert programme files I have downloaded in .RAW format to .LIF without any issues. Then I select the .LIF file in ILPer (where it you normally select the HDRIVE.DAT file) + XEQ READP on the 41CX calculator to transfer the file but it doesn’t seem to work. Have checked that the correct file name is in the ALPHA register on the calculator quite a number of times but consistently get the error message: “FL NOT FOUND” on the calculator. Maybe I am missing something so if any of you have any suggestions I’d appreciate them.
Many thanks,