I don't know who first wrote that some of the the HP71B ROM images are published under NOMAS.
For those who don't know, NOMAS stands for:
"NOMAS - NOt MAnufacturer Supported, Recipient agrees NOT to contact manufacturer."
NOMAS say _nothing_ about the copyright of these stamped listings!
AFAIK only the HP-71 FORTH/Assembler ROM IDS has source code stamped with NOMAS. I don't see the stamp wether in the "HP-71B Internal Design Spec Vol 3" or in the "HP-71B HP-IL Internal Design Spec Vol 2" showing the source code of the HP71B ROM and the HP-IL module.
Futhermore when the MATH-ROM source code is stamped with NAMAS, why is the MATH-ROM IDS not available on the Museum DVD set? AFAIK the sources of the MATH ROM had never been published. So how can the sources be NOMAS?
So if all would read the part of JFG's page carefully, where he published some HP71B ROM images, then it's clear that there's no formal authorization for publishing.
So everybody should think about the case what he's doing mixing copyrighted ROM images with commercial software. Wether JFG or I published our emulators with included ROM images.