OT: Sinclair Soveriegn disassembly and book.

Post: #2

Topic one: the book.

Hi all, see you at HCC2012 where ever it is!

Just for the heck of it, related to my absence and the book. The summer schedule at the airline has hit us and of the last 33 days I have been away from home 28. This is not condusive to finishing any projects.

HOWEVER, thank you to all those that signed up for the book at HCC2011 and on subsequent emails. I have a list, but work has precluded (along with non-email friendly IPAD) any replies. Be assured that any emails to me at geoffqf(nospam)@telus.net have been added to the list.

The book has one chapter left to do, which requires text only; 71B and I think an appendix on the 30B conversion to the 34S, clock and IR plus cable and flashing. That won't take long.

What has taken long was assembling a collection of HP calcs for diassembly and repair. Especially the rarer versions, the 19C for example. Thanks to all those that sent me examples.

Back to the book, it WILL be done for HCC2012. I am in the process of paying for the ISBN number with the Canadian Government and then will proceed with figuring out electronic versus hard copy and etc. Thanks for the advice and assistance offered here.

Topic 2:

a while ago Katie was asking about the Sinclair Sovereign diassembly.

So here are the pictures which I took this morning. Haven't been at the home computer for over a month.

The PCA is removed by CAREFULLY pushing the clips aside and lifting the PCA out. THIS IS A MULTIHAND requirement. The clips are fragile.

On another note, I only have 3 clips left so snapping the PCA back was easy enough. I then inserted a foam the same size as the area to the area to the left of the PCA in the above last photo. The foam was slightly thicker then the LSI and when the case is snapped together the foam helps keep the keyboard in place.

Also, Keys '7' and '9' float free and are not attached to the rest of the key assembly.

Edited: 8 June 2012, 3:41 p.m.

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