Diego's wonderful USB41 module has just gotten a Linux/Unix upgrade :)
With this USB41 Ruby program, you can get the HP-41 to print to your Linux/Unix machine.
Simply run the program as root, and any printing from your HP-41 will go to Standard Out. To print whatever comes from the HP-41 straight onto the screen, simply run the program:
You can of course do all kinds of tricks on the PC side like piping the output or redirect it to a file, etc.
To print a program on the HP-41 to the file "myprogram.txt" on the PC, do:
usb41 > myprogram.txt
The program defaults to input from /dev/ttyUSB0, but you may specify another input device by simply adding it as an argument to the program:
usb41 /dev/ttyUSB1
Just make sure the program is "runable" (with "chmod a+x") and drop it in your "bin" folder of choice and you are ready to go.
Except for ending the program with a "Control-C" on the PC, you may also print the message "PREND", and the program will terminate (just enter "PREND" into Alpha and do XEQ"PRA")
You must have Ruby installed as well as "ruby-serialport" (on Ubuntu or Debian, do "sudo apt-get install ruby-serialport")
Edited: 30 May 2012, 5:52 p.m.