I had a hang while attempting to READROM the contents of a ROM images file into the four HEPAX RAM pages on chip 3. Since, I have not been able to access the chip. Trying to set the h4100 control word to 003, 103, 203, things hang momentarily and the screen displays a sometimes blinking NONEXISTENT that only clears when I remove the battery.
I have tried wiping the ROM in microbrn, clearing the RAM with CLRAM4.hex (the calc returns CLR OK), and using the CRF procedure in an unsuccessful effort to access the bum chip and clear any corrupted hex code. No dice. Any effort to point the calc to that chip yields the disturbing behaviour noted above. I have also manual cleared the RAM on chips 0, 1, and 2, which, by the way, seem to be behaving fine.
Any ideas? Diego advises that it is darn near impossible to damage these things with bad programming, so I hope I can recover this.