Generally speaking, no. The HP-41 always wants to be the loop controller, unless it has an HP-IL Development module. There are two cases to consider.
If the printer is a non-HP-IL printer, such as the 82143A or the infrared printer (82240A/B with 82242A infrared printer module in HP-41), then doing this would require having an HP-IL development module, and writing a program for the HP-41 to act as an HP-41 device rather than controller, emulate an HP-IL printer, and print to the non-HP-IL printer.
If the printer is an HP-IL printer, such as the 82162A, 82905B, or 2225B, then you'd still need the HP-IL Development module, to prevent the HP-41 from acting as the loop controller, so that the HP-71B could talk to the HP-IL printer directly.