Hi All HP-65 enthusiasts,
I think I have found a bug in the HP-65 Math Pac 2's program that calculates the Incomplete Gamma function. The listing on page 97 of the STAT PAC 2 needs the following three additional instructions, before the RTN instruction, to yield the correct answers:
CHSI checked my corrected code on an HP41CX and the Alpha Wolfram web site. The corrections give results that match that on the Alpha Wolfram site.
I also noticed something funny in the listing of the Gamma function on page 96. The HP-65 program uses two cards. The program in the first card initializes the constants used by the second card's program which performs the gamma function calculations. However, the listing of Card 2 re-keys one of the constants instead of recalling its value that should already be in a memory register. Looks like sloppy programming to me!!!
Has anyone else found other weird listing issues with the HP-65 STAT PAC 2? I know that this is very old software and the issue should be addressed with the British Museum or the Louvre Museum instead of HP.
Edited: 24 May 2012, 10:06 a.m.