The WP-34S is an incredible project, surprising me almost everyday with new features, accuracy and optimizations. It's indeed a RPN user dream made true! And now, it even support IR printing!
But one feature is missing from its HP-41 and 42 heritage. A prominent one, as important as to be assigned a permanent postition in the 41 uncluttered faceplate...
I'm talking about BEEP, and its sister function TONE. Would it be possible, for the people developing small daughterboards, to include the little circuitry needed to drive a piezo buzzer? I assume that BEEP and 10 standard TONEs will take little code space and reasonable development effort .
Even ALARM may be supported, leveraging already available timing functions (alas, power management may be a big issue here, so it may be too hard to include this last idea).
Just my AR$ 0.10