I don't often use the built-in integrator, preferring my own implementation of the PPC IG routine that has less stringent convergence criteria and thus is faster for my purposes. But tonight on fooling with the built-in I noticed on more than one occasion that when I interrupt an integration calculation (if I think it is going on too long for my liking). I seemed to "lose" 60 to 100 words of RAM (as confirmed with "STATUS") that I can't seem to recover with CLREG or PopLR, for example. Only an erase--ON-back-arrow-back-arrow--gets my orphaned memory back. Moreover, if I attempt to start over again and reattempt the integral I interrupt, odd things can happen--no display of interim results, or interim results out in left field in a problem that I know was solved quickly before, or failure to converge in a reasonable length of time on a problem that I know is an "easy" integral for the precision I have set.
Recently there was something with SLV and POPUSR creating this orphaned memory phenomenon. Could the same thing be happening with INTEGRATE?