The almost daily rate at which the WP34S is improved upon, which is a huge positive, has made me conclude that I need to be flash capable and thus do my own version number updates and emulator swaps. This was also hinted at by some of you early on.
My experience so far in this forum has been extremely satisfying and beneficial, but the dynamics leave a "static" beginner helpless. The forum member advice does frequently not fully apply to my version number or is different than that of my manual.
This WP34S project grows on you and it makes me even more interested.
All I wanted was a new calculator; but now I start making holes in my HP30b with its attractively colored precision overlay, solder-in an LED, flash stuff inside the old XP virtual shell with a serial RS232, and I need to get a which specifications cable connector from where?
When great people like you get together great things happen, but when I first got my HP-25 with its Quick Reference Guide (both in my hand as I write this) life somehow seemed simpler.