Several years ago I had spotty success with data transfer with my HP48G and a DB9-port equipped computer using a homemade cable from a local seller. It was cheap, I got what I paid for, and it has long since failed.
I am keen to try again. Heartened by how well this USB-Serial Adapter (FTDI-chipped) sold by Eric Rechlin works with the WP34S programming cable, I was wondering how people approach connecting their HP48's to newer USB-only PCs.
I am seeing on TAS a seller offering an ostensibly well-rated cable with USB connector, but it is about 40 bucks plus shipping. The same seller (and others) offers a cable with the old DB9 connector for less than half as much.
Given that I have a well-working USB-serial adapter already, I would rather opt for the much cheaper serial cable if it will work just as well.
What's the experience out there on this? I am assuming that other forum contributors have purchased Eric's excellent adapter for purposes other than flashing the 34s. If anyone is using it or other FTDI-chipped adapters with a good HP48 serial cable with success, I'd like to know! You could save me some moolah.