The self-test (now known as the DIAGNOSTIC) for the fx-115ES Plus (a.k.a. fx-991ES Plus C) is performed differently compared to the old non-Plus model. Below I've patterned a description of the new tests on that for the old model found in the article at a well-known calculator site:
DIAGNOSTIC PERFORMANCE - Casio fx-115ES Plus and fx-991ES Plus C
The diagnostic for the fx-115ES Plus/fx-991ES Plus C is invoked by
holding the SHIFT and "7" keys, then pressing the ON key. The
following is displayed for six seconds, after which the diagnostic
terminates without any other effects:
Press AC
(Do NOT press AC. That would abort the diagnostic.)
WARNING: Continuing below will result in the clearing of all data
memory and mode settings.
Proceed with the diagnostic by pressing the "9" key before the
6-second time-out is reached. The diagnostic simultaneously
activates all LCD pixels and annunciatiors, and then waits.
Pressing the SHIFT key four times will cycle the display through
four additional test display patterns.
A SHIFT key press continues the diagnostic with this firmware
version and checksum display:
LY727X VerA [then a 3-second delay before next line]
Pd- Read OK [with a 3.5-second delay after "Pd-" before "Read OK"]
Press AC
(Values shown are for one particular unit.)
Press AC. The contrast test screen is displayed:
[<] [>]
Press cursor-left and cursor-right keys to change the contrast
setting value ("11h" in the above illustration) and the visible
contrast of the display.
Press AC to start the keyboard test. "00" is displayed in the upper
left corner of the display to indicate start of the keyboard test.
The keyboard test requires individually pressing all keys, except
the ON key. The order of the first 11 keys is a little unusual due
to the cursor keypad, after which the order follows left-to-right,
top-to-bottom order. As each key is pressed in order, the number in
the display increments by one. If a key is pressed out of order,
the number will not increment until the correct key in the sequence
is pressed. After "=" (the last key of the keyboard test) is
pressed, the following exit menu is displayed:
Reset All
Press AC
Press AC to complete and exit the diagnostic.
Pressing ON at any point during the diagnostic aborts the process
and returns normal calculator function.
This diagnostic appears to be more sophisticated than that of the older model. It appears that some type of checksum with other internal diagnostics are taking place.
I like the Plus version's expanded function set. However, mechanically the Plus is somewhat disappointing. There are a lot more curved and rounded surfaces along the edges and on every key. The hard cover creaks against the calculator body when the unit is picked up, indicating a flimsier or more ill-fitted design compared to the old model. The label for the constant and conversion factor table is applied canted slightly on the inside of the hard cover. More serious is the shape of the individual keys. The side and bottom edges are all curved...only the top edge is straight. This allows a key to cant slightly clockwise or counter-clockwise though the panel key hole and cause a ragged uneven presentation. The keys of the older model have straight top and bottom edges to promote the key settling in its panel hole perfectly upright and level with the other keys in that row. The frequently-used shifted functions at the top-left of most keys have been imprinted using an odd yellowish-orange paint that under some lighting conditions is very hard to see. Casio should not have allowed these "style" changes. They detract from one of the finest scientific calculators for its price available anywhere ($17.99 US at Target stores and other locations).
I wish that complete calculator state was preserved upon automatic or manual shutdown, but all levels of previous calculation history and results display are lost just like on the old model. Automatic shutdown now occurs after 625 seconds, rather than the old model's 350 seconds.
My speed tests use a continuous-sum function that closely reproduces function execution performed by a 2500-iteration Savage benchmark. This indicates that the fx-115ES Plus is about 12 percent faster than the old fx-115ES:
Model Execution Time (seconds)
fx-115ES Plus 1101
fx-115ES 1233
HP-15C 5840
HP 42S 605
HP 50G 65
HP 15C-LE 48
HP 30b 6
The fx-115ES Plus manual seems a little better than that of the older model because it is actually a booklet and not a large fold-out sheet. The Plus manual is available on the Casio website here.
Edited: 1 May 2012, 4:54 p.m.