Hi All,
I decided to tinker with the TI Nspire CAS CX calculator and do some programming. The first feature that caught my attention is the ability to prompt for an equation (as a function of x). This allows one to write numerical analysis routines (e.g for solving roots and calculating the area under the curve) for equations that the user enters at run-time!
The other feature is the creation of matrices and vectors by a program. Here, I had to use a trick to first create an identity square matrix and then over-writing its elements with different values. To create a vector that has the same number of rows as a square matrix, I first create a vector made up of the diagonal elements of the square matrix and then assign new values to the vector.
Interestingly, the TI Nspire programming model regards vectors as either column matrices or row matrices. This means that when you access the elements of a vector you have to specify both the row and column indices. This dual orientation has to be monitored during the program development phases so you can correctly access the elements of a vector either as a row or a column matrix.