15C LE still in stock

Post: #5

Amazing the 15C LE is still in stock at the hp.com Home store. I picked up two new ones that have the same old firmware but are in the 20,000+ limited edition number range.

Also noticed the 50g was reduced to $129.99 and is now out of stock. A refresh on the way?

Post: #6

Ironic, isn't it ? Now that they are widely available at normal pricing, nobody cares anymore. As to the HP 50g, maybe HP has decided to drop their only decent modern scientific calc, and focus on selling crap like the 35s.

Edited: 12 Apr 2012, 9:29 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #7

That would be terrible if HP dropped the 50g line. One of its advantages to me is that I can program it in C (using the excellent HPGCC3). I have enjoyed using the 15C LE as well, but the fact that demand has slowed after 20K+ units probably means we have seen the last of this unit.

Post: #8

I just don't understand what HP was thinking.... a programmable calculator in the 21st century without a micro SD card slot, PC connectivity of some sort or "flash save" functionality like the WP34S... it makes no sense to me. Same mistake with the 35S (in addition to all the other problems that calculator has)

My 2 cents.

Post: #9

I have LE number 99 and did the early adopter thing and got it for Samson's original 99 bucks + shipping before they got greedy there. I have contemplated getting a second as a back-up collectible and all that, but haven't bothered.

I like the 15CLE and it has seen more handling than my near mint and barely touched original (I spent too much on TAS in the days before I knew better), but it has gone untouched for weeks now. I am glad to have it as a collectible, but that's all.

Once I moved past the technophobia and splurged on the right peripherals, I have been immersed in the wp34s world and don't expect to look back for awhile. It's too bad that it doesn't have a USB or microSD way of getting things into and out of it, but at least there are tools to assemble libraries and to move programs and settings to and from the calc across the serial cable. The TLC and commitment that has gone into this project just astounds me. I figure I have invested well under $200 for two 30b's, adapters, cable, overlays, and some optional goodies, and I have two top-notch HP keystroke programmables that outclass even the beloved 15C and 42S--and each for under $100. And I invested more than most people. Great deal for great machines.

Edited: 14 Apr 2012, 6:07 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #10

It's too bad that it doesn't have a USB or microSD way of getting things into and out of it

I wonder if we could bit bash a microSD card.... There should be enough I/O pins exposed internally... Power might pose a problem and we'd lose the library flash almost certainly...

Maybe a small serial flash device would be a better option. Or an I2C EEPROM.

- Pauli

Edited: 13 Apr 2012, 6:24 a.m.

Post: #11

Even better might be a serial FRAM device, a bit more expensive but easier to drive.

- Pauli

Post: #12

This mightn't be so hard -- the I/O pads expose enough of the SPI interface to be usable. Half a dozen solder joints and wire and it should be possible to add SPI memory to the 30b hardware.

The i2C lines aren't exposed that I can see.

34SX anyone ;-)

- Pauli

Post: #13

... the I/O pads expose enough of the SPI interface to be usable. Half a dozen solder joints and wire and it should be possible to add SPI memory to the 30b hardware. ... 34SX anyone ;-)

Still talking about the 15C LE? Else a new subject may help ;-)

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