HP48 Type Ins

Post: #2

Hi !!!

This is my first post on the forums. I do read the forums from the last year and I really enjoy the reading, so I will start saying "thank you" for the good work to all the people that made this community.

I'm typing the sample programs from the book "Series 48 Advanced User Reference". The chapter 3 has some interesting samples. Actually I'm reading and typing on my 48.

So I think that it will be a good idea to publish the programs on the HP48 Library. The question is witch is the best format in order to maintain the original HP48 special characters ? or do you think that it's better to use the backslash convention of the manual and the HP PDL ? or can we publish a PRINTER OUTPUT from the HP and the program file without conversion ?

So please let me know what do you think


Post: #3

Hola, Gus; ¿que tal?

If you want a custom way to create display-like and keyboard-like documentation, you can try these TTF files, that might give you a closer look to original HP documentation, mostly if you wish to generate the PDF after the document is ready. I know it is a self-promoting, shameless call, but as you mentioned you are new here, chances are you are not aware of those TTF. Someone at the HPCC site (I do not like to mention names prior to ask for permition... I believe this is the best way, though) has ported some of these fonts to Linux, chances are you may contact them if you use it.


Luiz (Brazil)

Edited: 9 Apr 2012, 7:38 p.m.

Post: #4

Hola, Gus; �que tal? ...

Hola Luiz,

Muito Bem !!! how about voce ? :)

Using a TTF sound like a good solution, maybe I need to use two different formats, one in order to view the source code (PDF) and another in order to let the people download the code.

I already downloaded your fonts and, let me say that you do a really good job, the documents are very nice too. I suspect that the article is from the Data File mag, but I can't find where are this mags available for download.

So like you suspect I'm from Argentina

Um abraço

Post: #5

Hola, Gus;

there are some other guys from your country that contribute here, and amongst them, Andrés Rodrigues is very well known.

Thanks for your comments about the fonts, I appreciate. There is also another link for the HP50G keyboard labels, but I did not have the time find it. As soon as I get it I'll post again.

The HPCC group actually accepts signatures, I am almost sure you cannot download the magazines, instead some files and articles. You can try some 'hand-made data mining' here through the existing issues.

In time: ¡Bienvenido! (I must confess I found out you are from Argentina by checking your contact...)


Luiz (Brazil)

Edited: 10 Apr 2012, 5:27 p.m.

Post: #6

Welcome, Gus.

To be safe from any trouble, make sure you have permission from the copyright holder, before you make anything available online, that is not your own work.

Post: #7

Welcome, Gus.

To be safe from any trouble, make sure you have permission from the copyright holder, before you make anything available online, that is not your own work.

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for your advice. you are correct this is no my own work, I emailed Dave from MoHPC, and I hope that he can obtain necessary permission from HP.

But just in case, Do you know how to proceed ?


Post: #8

I'm sorry, I can't give you any advice on this.

Post: #9

¡Sea bienvenido, Gus!

(I am quite fond of those upside down exclamation and interrogation marks :-)

Assuming you have already keyed the programs into your HP-48, I think you should choose translation option 3 (Left-shift IOPAR 3 TRAN). Then use a communication program like HP 48,49 Calculator Connectivity Kit and transfer them to your computer in text format and share them, including the header, so they can easily be downloaded by anyone. The following random program (I don't remember what it does) might give an idea of how your listings would look like:

%%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.);
\<< 100 SIN ASIN 100 + DUP 100 <
\<< DUP
\>> \pi IFTE / \pi 3 / \-> n k k1
\<< 3 1 n
FOR n n 1 -
NEXT n \->LIST ^ TAN ATAN k / DUP ABS k1 > SWAP DUP 0 < SWAP k1 NEG > AND 2 * 2
\<< +

Best regards,


Post: #10

¡Sea bienvenido, Gus!


Hi Gerson,

!Gracias por la bienvenida!

this is the option that I will take, because I think it's the easy form to download the programs from the WEB and the to the calculator.
But Like the programs are interesting like programming examples that will be nice to have a pretty printer version (So maybe I can use the Luiz font's in order to do that)


P.S. It's good to see you using the down exclamation marks, do you speak spanish ?

Post: #11

do you speak spanish ?

No, I don't. But I went through the first few lessons of this book. From your reply to Luiz, I assume your command of Portuguese is at a higher level. It's a blessing Portuguese and Spanish are almost mutually understandable. On the other hand, this makes lazy people like me not to study the other language properly as it should. Both in technical school and college, I had classmates from other Latin American countries (no one from Argentina, though). They eventually learned to speak Portuguese, despite some pronunciation issues like the incorrect rendering of open vowels and nasal sounds, especially the diphtong "ão". Even the latter is not that difficult. In order to prove it, I will ask someone from German to give a demonstration. No, I am not kidding:


Best regards,


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