The manual seems to be a virtual copy of the original 1980s manual, updated to produce a good quality PDF. Unfortunately, the font used seems to be a bit smaller, and as a result text uses less space on each page. The effect is that there is too much white space on many pages, or at least all the white space is not distributed in the same manner that was attempted in the original manual. I suppose this is done to maintain page agreement as closely as possible with the original manual. There were odd formatting results in the 1980s manual, too, with regard to white space and page layout. The new fonts are easier to read.
Despite my criticisms, there is a quality about the writing that is less prevalent today than yesteryear, and it is delightful to read it.
Some of the changes I recommend are subtle, involving, for example, changing a period to a comma. Such differences are difficult to spot at first glance.
p20: "Decimal digits from the mantissa that spill into the exponent field will disappear from the display when you press ¯, but will be retained internally."
p22: "+, -, x and ÷ are examples of two-number functions."
should be
"+, -, x, and ÷ are examples of two-number functions."
p23: Not sure why the last example is bolded.
"be sure and clear the display before entering the new variable."
but I think it should read
"be sure to clear the display before entering the new variable."
p 49: "disable stack lift, so the stack will not lift when the next number is keyed in."
But this follows a single subject, so I opine that it should read
"disable[s] stack lift, so the stack will not lift when the next number is keyed in."
p 53: "calculate the average fertilizer application, x."
should be ?
"calculate the average fertilizer application, x,"
or, alternatively, if x is restrictive,
"calculate the average fertilizer application x," (no comma) as I believe it should be, similar to "average grain yield y" following.
(At any rate, they should both be the same, and there is still the matter of the period in the middle of the sentence.)
p57: In the symbol set following
"Polar vector coordinates must be converted to rectangular coordinates upon entry"
there should be a comma after r.
...and I opine that the minus sign for "-200 and 200 grads" should be on the same line with the 200, because it is not a hyphen, but the sign of 200 grads.
[A matter of preference, this next bit...]
"Up to six decimal places can be shown since the exponent display takes three spaces."
might be changed to
"Up to six decimal places can be shown BECAUSE the exponent display takes three spaces."
While /I/ think of "since" as relating to time, I recognize that it is increasingly accepted for "because," though I regret the acceptance.
p61: "12.345.6700" should be
p61: "The blinking can be stopped and flag 9 cleared by pressing"
should be ?
"The blinking can be stopped, and flag 9, cleared by pressing"
and a comma after the ON that follows it (I think).
p67: In several places, dashes | hyphens | minus signs are used for an em [dash].
It is used in other places (p61): "If you attempt an improper operation—such as division by zero—an error".
In this instance, the minus sign looks out of place
"A label instruction –"
In general, the usage is not consistent; even where the em dash is used, spacing around the em dash varies:
p70: "registers—RI, R0, and R1 — remaining);"
p74: I think the series here "(1, 2, 9, 0 from left to right)."
might be better as
"(1, 2...9, 0) from left to right."
p78: when I first read this line,
"press any one key to remove"
I thought that I must press the 1 key, which I knew to be incorrect...perhaps it could be rewritten...
"press any single key to remove"
p81: There is an oddly short sentence in the middle of a paragraph.
"level (138 db) at a point near the source,"
but I have not checked to see if it was also in the original manual.
db should be dB?
[aside] It appears that this manual was not rewritten in its entirely, because there are some images that show lossy compression effects.
p81: "(r = 3 km)" the r is not italic as it is elsewhere in this section.
p81: I found the quotes in this phrase
A "typical large" tomato
It seems that
A "typical" large tomato
A "typical large tomato"
might be better, or even skip the quotes...
It seems that "Answer: for the 230 g tomato above"
might be better as
"Answer: For the 230 g tomato above"
because the answer is a complete sentence.
p93, 94: I b'lieve the abbreviation for Curie is Ci -> mCi
p94: graphical error on key displays
p105: There seems to be some sort of artifact a few lines from the bottom of the page, following the GSB key.
p109: "Is the increment of decrement value"
should be
"Is the increment or decrement value"
p110: All the blue graphics that bracket 0.0 5 0 0 2 are misplaced to the left.
p113: The value 3.000001 seems to be incorrect; I think it should be 3.00001. See text at top of p113.
p114: The sequence at the top of the page, 15 CHS STO I, has run into the next sequence, f A.
p114: Is there enough room to put "Running program loop counter = 3." on one line?
p114: OK. This is one of my pet peeves. What happened to the word "use"?
"It utilizes a loop containing" sounds so pretentious. There may be a place to use (!) "utilize" rather than "use," but it seems that no one writes with "use" these days.
p116: "Refer to page 58-59" might be better as "Refer to pages 58-59".
p124: "Press f Re<>Im twice restore a number to its original form."
should be
"Pressing f Re<>Im twice restores a number to its original form.".
p124:"Hold the key down to maintain the display."
This is not a clear instruction: what key?
p127: Not sure why the (<=) key and the (0.0000) are in ()...
p131: "The x<>y function. for instance,"
should be
"The x<>y function, for instance,"
p133: "The sequence ... is not used because it would combine any numbers, in the real X-. and Y-registers into a single complex number."
should be
p133: "The sequence ... is not used because it would combine any numbers in the real X-. and Y-registers into a single complex number."
Interesting enough, this mistake was not in the 1985 rG manual.
p135: "express the result in polar form, (In phasor form,"
should be
"express the result in polar form. (In phasor form,"
Also, the angle mark in this sentence is misaligned twixt the 2 and 65°.
p141: Appendix is capitalized, but elsewhere in the text is it not. I think that is because it begins a sentence there, but the period is missing. However, it also capped on p 74.
p148: "(possibly with same rows"
should be
"(possibly with some rows"
p150: "The Frobenius of Euclidean norm"
should be (2 places)
"The Frobenius, or Euclidean norm, "
p153: "calculates the sum or difference of the matrices"
Here, as in other places in the manual, it isn't clear why a word is italicized." "or" is not italic in the original manual. I have not compared all the other instances that I saw that seemed odd. I can appreciate that an author may have his own I do, for example ;-)
p160: "You don’t need to activate Complex mode for calculations with complex matrices."
The whole sentence should be italic.
p161: "Imaginary Part"
Text is scrambled.
p166: "Imaginary Part"
Text is scrambled.
p171: "0.0372 0.1311i"
i is merged with last digit in both numbers.
p173: The div key in the right column seems to be unnecessarily moved to the next line...a bit distracting and confusing.
p174: : "registers, Conditional tests can be used to control program execution"
should be
"registers. Conditional tests can be used to control program execution"
p176: "D:" is bold, but only the D should be.
p178: "Frobenius or Euclidean norm"
should be
"Frobenius, or Euclidean, norm"
p178: "register, Place LU in result matrix."
should be
"register. Place LU in result matrix.
p181: It's an odd way to write this part, anyway, but even accepting that, "In Run mode:" seems more attached to the preceding paragraph, than the following...
p184: There seems to be a stray r near the graph of f(x).
p184: "become more apparent"
should be
"becomes more apparent"
p186: "{x} = 1." Remove trailing period.
p192...This is one of my pet peeves. In the paragraph beginning "The use of SOLVE as an instruction in a program utilizes...," "utilize" is "used" four times. I have always felt that the utilization of "utilize" is a pretentious attempt to sound more sophisticated, and it grates on me nearly every time I read it. Doesn't that last sentence sound stuffy and awkward?
I /do/see a place for utilize. "Effective utilization of ground water runoff can be facilitated by the use of underground cisterns." I'd replace nearly most, and possibly all, of the "utilize" variants in the manual with an appropriate variant of use. And I opine that most utilizations of utilize are incorrect, anyway. Please see the Oxford English Dictionary for the definitions of "use" and "utilize."
p195: Now, in Run mode key the lower limit" might be written as "Now, in Run mode, key the lower limit".
See p198 for similar usage.
p196: "on the order of 2 to 10 seconds; but some integrals"
might be better as
p196: "on the order of 2 to 10 seconds, but some integrals"
Ditto the next line. Please see
(viewed on 2012-04-05)
p197: "be sure to fill the stack manually with the value of x, by pressing"
should be
p197: "be sure to fill the stack manually with the value of x by pressing"
p200: "compute the integral more quickly;‡ but it will presume"
> I have seen these in earlier parts of the manual, but I didn't comment on them earlier.
p200: "compute the integral more quickly,‡ but it will presume"
p201: The values "1.38 00" and "1.88 -03" are messed up.
p207: "Subroutine nested more than seven deep."
p207: "Subroutines nested more than seven deep."
The + or - on the first line is not aligned with text below.
Under MATRIX 5, double bullets.
p216: "19 f DIM (i)" in the example is not formatted correctly.
p231: In the code, e^(-|x|) is not on the line containing "004– 12". Lines 007 and 011 are similarly misaligned.
p232: It is unfortunate that we cannot fit EEX CHS 20 ENTER on the same line. There is a great deal of white space on the pages. This version, compared to the 1985 version, is very easy on the eyes, however.
p236: Ditto, as well as elsewhere.
p239: "more accurately than is justify by the problem"
"more accurately than is justified by the problem"
p245: "specified in the display format, but also, to a certain extent on the limits of integration."
choose 1:
"specified in the display format, but also to a certain extent on the limits of integration."
"specified in the display format, but also, to a certain extent, on the limits of integration."
p247: "Similarly, if a function value is display"
p247: "Similarly, if a function value is displayed"
p248: "calculating an integral seem strange, It may be more appropriate"
"calculating an integral seem strange, it may be more appropriate"
p251: "But the problem is not that you represented [inf] by 10^99 since the actual integral
"But the problem is not that you represented [inf] by 10^99, since the actual integral
p252: "Functions that could lead to incorrect results can be identified in simple terms by how rapidly it and its low-order derivatives"
"Functions" disagrees in number with "it".
p261: "Press any key to exit"
"Press any key to exit."
p261: "and the screen is clear, press on any key to return to the test screen."
"and the screen is clear, press any key to return to the test screen."
I stopped reading here, so, all things otherwise being equal, this is the last time I'll write of the manual...and, of course, I may have created my own mistakes for others to find in their turn. ;-)
I appreciate having a searchable manual available, and at any rate, it is very easy on the eyes. Mostly, I am grateful, as are many others, that HP has brought back the 15C. There was a time when I believed that HP was a serious competitor in the handheld calculator field. (I prefer to use only RPN machines. I don't know what I'd do faced with living life in the slow lane of algebraic devices ;-) ) I know that the field is constantly changing, and the impact that these devices had will never again be the same --- ah, those halcyon days of anticipating each new offering by HP, and challenging owners of those "other" devices to problem-solving contests.
Yours &c.,